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Ahmed Umar ( also known as Ahmed Diriye and Abu Ubaida – Emir of the Somalia – based Islamist group


Clairvoyant/Psychic predictions about :

Sheikh Ahmed Umar Abu Ubaidah was born Ahmed Diriye.

Ahmed Umar ( also known as Ahmed Diriye and Abu Ubaida – Emir of the Somalia – based Islamist group Al-Shabaab) – Health, Operations, Death – When? His soft spot, How to book a meeting with him ? Clairvoyant Calendar year 2017, 2018…until year 2021, Business. Now? Future? Battles – when and where? Where is Ahmed Umar now? – Clairvoyant reading/Psychic predictions July 30, 2017 – by Clairvoyant House ” Dimitrinka Staikova and daughters Stoyanka and Ivelina Staikova” – from Europe, Bulgaria, Varna.


Mohamed Abdullahi “Farmajo” Mohamed (President of Somalia) – A game for uniting in Somalia, When will be the riots, turmoils against the President – days, months? When is the time for business in Somalia? What nuclear power plant will be made? Who will be close to the President of Somalia and who will help him with the riots, health, Clairvoyant Calendar 2018.

When and what money does he expects? Which interests will prevail – russians against americans? Why does the President is affraid by aliens? A construction of new Cheops Pyramid in Somalia – Clairvoyant reading/Psychic predictions July 30, 2017 – by Clairvoyant House ” Dimitrinka Staikova and daughters Stoyanka and Ivelina Staikova” – from Europe, Bulgaria, Varna.

Photo – July 25, 2017. Time – after the photo.

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#SomaliNationalMovement #Alshabaab #Nationlink #Finance #AhmadUmar #Netco #business #IGAD #SheikhAhmedUmar #AbuUbaidah #LandofPunt #BlackLivesMatter #HornofAfrica #deathfromstarvation #sunni #Somaliland #Puntland #theindifferentEmirleaderoftheAlQaedaaffiliateinSomalia #EmiroftheSomaliabasedAlShabaab #Healthdiagnosis #Somalia #SheikhAhmedUmarAbuUbaidah #Somaliempires #SomaliTelecomGroup #Washington #CampaignoftheSultanates #Erdogan #UN #Mogadishu #billionaires #GulfofAden #AliMahdiMohamed #Syria #Davutoglu #UnitedNationsOperationinSomaliaII #pirateattacks #PopeBenedict #psychic #war #Ethiopiantroops #clairvoyant #worldpredictionsthatcametrue #HumanitarianAssistance #asylumseekers #IndianOcean #MH370 #AhluSunnaWaljamaa #MohamedAbdullahiMohamedFarmajo #alShabaab #SomaliaPetroleumCorporation #Galmudugsecurityforces #RewardsforJusticeProgram #PresidentBarackObama #ManuelValls #BritishSomaliland #AhmedouOuldAbdallah #SheikhAhmedUmarAbuUbaidahakaAhmedDiriye #SomaliArmy #UsElections2016 #reservesofoil #AU #Telcom #HarakatAlShabaabMujahideenmovementHSM #NicosAnastasiades #ItalianSomaliland #DonaldTrump #WorldPredictions2017 #Bilderberggroup #Dervishstate #AhmedDiriye #SomaliChamberofCommerceandIndustry #migrantcrisis #Islamistmilitants #Politicians #MajeerteenSultanate #ISIS #AhmedAbdiGodane #alShabaabcommander #WorldPredictions2017a #Djibouti #RadioMogadishu #Peace #terrorism #IslamicCourtsUnion #AlShabaabmilitants #HassanAliKhayre #BRUSSELSATTACKS #Daesh #GolisTelecomGroup #Arabic #AMISOM #ArabLeague #SomaliaStockExchange #DevletBahceli #Uncategorized #terroristattacks #Ankara #SomaliArmedForces #Kenya #atownintheBakoolregion #Vatican #USElection2016 #SomaliCivilWar #Sharialaw #MohamedAbdullahiMohamed #IslamicStates #SheikhSharifSheikhAhmed #SomaliNationalTelevision #SomaliEnergyCompany #SpeciallyDesignatedGlobalTerrorist #royalfamily #PopeFrancis #FederalGovernmentofSomalia #Muslim #money #HillaryClinton #StephenHawking #TransitionalNationalGovernment #AfricanUnion #SomaliRepublic #BankofEngland #banks #IddMohamed #GeorgeSoros #Tiyeglow #alQaidaaffiliatealShabaab #Ethiopia #Confirmation #Bantus #AlliancefortheReliberationofSomalia #piracy #HormuudTelecom #PresidentofSomalia #Turkey #Somafone #CentralBankofSomalia #Somalis #MaritimeSecurityPatrolArea #FederalRepublicofSomalia #armsembargo #Cyprus #ItalyEarthquake #Baidoa #AbdiqasimSaladHassan #JudiciaryofSomalia #starvation #AfricanUnionpeacekeepers #Somalimilitarycourt


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