4 MEDIA CONFIRMATIONS of : “UKRAINIAN-U.S. ROCKET FLIGHT FIRST STAGE SUCCESSFUL” and more MEDIA CONFIRMATIONS seen through the eyes of Alexander Degtyarev (Chief of Yuzhnoye State Design Office – Ukraine – Designer of Satellites and Rockets) – Clairvoyant reading/Psychic predictions October 21, 2019 – as predicted by Clairvoyant Dimitrinka Staikova in her BOOK Published Nov23, 2019 :
2020 Election in USA. Trump-Ukraine Scandal, the Notes of Jeffrey Epstein – When ? Trump Impeachment – Clairvoyant/Psychic predictions for : ISIS Leader, Democrats and the Future of USA 2019 – 2020 . World Predictions : Ukraine, Lukoil and Gazprom, China, Iran, Israel… Clairvoyants : Dimitrinka Staikova, Ivelina Staikova, Stoyanka Staikova Published November 23, 2019

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By Clairvoyant : Dimitrinka Staikova, Stoyanka Staikova, Ivelina Staikova Published : July 4, 2020
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2020 Election in USA. Trump-Ukraine Scandal, the Notes of Jeffrey Epstein – When ? Trump Impeachment – Clairvoyant/Psychic predictions for : ISIS Leader, Democrats and the Future of USA 2019 – 2020 .World Predictions : Ukraine, Lukoil and Gazprom, China, Iran, Israel…
Clairvoyants : Dimitrinka Staikova, Ivelina Staikova, Stoyanka Staikova
Published November 23, 2019
Only a small part of clairvoyant reading about :
Alexander Degtyarev (Chief of Yuzhnoye State Design Office – Ukraine – Designer of Satellites and Rockets) – Clairvoyant reading/Psychic predictions October 21, 2019 – by Clairvoyant House ” Dimitrinka Staikova and daughters Stoyanka and Ivelina Staikovs” – from Europe, Bulgaria, Varna.
Photo : August 30, 2019. Time of the clairvoyant reading – after the photo.
…….Alexander Degtyarev’s health after the photo August 30, 2019 I see problems with the breathing because of the nose and an old trauma, increasing diopters in the left eye. Autmn 2019 – he will have problems with a headache at left near the left eye. The pain will be located at the lower part of the heart and in the pancreas. He already has an inflammation of the pancreas that precedes Diabetes type 2 and affects also the bile and liver. There is a beginning also of an inflammation down low at right (abdominal area) – as a disease range which is expanding – it also affects the right pelvic area, the spine and more seriously (with pain) – the right kidney. The inflammation is going down to the right leg – it will be felt with internal temperature, when the process is inversed the right leg will shudder and swollen – around the knee and foot. There is again a forthcoming treatment of kidneys. A surgical operation (written in his fate) only in the heart. I see the (femoral) bone of the left leg (it is slightly changed) and there is a scar around the left knee. I see a strong energy flowing across the spine , he will feel active, but because of a disease in the kidneys and pancreas (strong playing of the blood pressure) – he will often change his moods. This is a wealthy man of two Intelligence Agencies. The disease in his pancreas is caused by a strong stress related to airplane.
I see an airplane traveling from East to West. On the middle of the airplane – from the both sides of the airplane fins there is a fuel. From the left side where the fuel is more – I see a leakage – outside. In the right side of the airplane there is less fuel, but also there is a spare engine (it is connected with a Moon fuel). The plane is under the sign of USA. At the end of the airplane – I see that inside it is separated at two parts – left and right (the whole airplane). Also there is a closed part where are located the fins of the plane, the fuel and engines. I don’t see a problem from outside, but the airplane is moving downwards and even closer to the Earth – the place (site) is located on a border – water and drought. I also see falling and crashing of the airplane and a lawsuit – with problems only from the one side – because of fuel and because destroyed cockpit. This is a special airplane – at the front of the cockpit there are devices emitting light and releasing gases – as a fog . This is something new that requires investments – a lot of money. It is connected with radar systems, satellites and a space rocket. I see a patent connected with USA and researches in military plants. I see a facility which is like a scanner and from the Space it is searching and finding military objects located on the Earth, underground and close to water – it is connected with rocks. The placing of seal and a signature on a contract will only bring to Alexander Degtyarev troubles for now, a lawsuit in the future. The facility is already used in Iraq, part of Syria and also in Africa -against Russians. It is also finding a special and very rear metal which is part of the contents of a fuel and special technology -radioactive metal.
For now – the Space rocket that is designed by “Yuzhnoye State Design Office Ukraine is not completed – it is giving a defect at left near the reservoir. The problem can be solved in the Space, on the Earth – it is igniting. The energy they have invented is like the sigh of “God”. It is coming on impulses and raising upwards – but it is not smooth. The combination is made by two types of energy at the first stage of launch. At the second stage, the one type of energy is falling and it appears at the third stage with more double energy – there are totally two types of energy and the one of them is double. When the “Yuzhnoye” State Design Office is going to fix the problem ? – When the reservoir is decorated from inside with a special stone – with green color. Then everything will be smooth, harmonious – without leaks. Also I see a flight to the Sun of a Space rocket in the first direction.(MEDIA CONFIRMATION 1)
September 2019 begins for “Yuzhnoye” State Design Office Ukraine with contracts for work and problems with Russians – there is a war between colleagues and a threat for court, then comes a lawsuit and legal documents also because of patents. There are problems after September 15, 2019 with equipment of a construction – there is a travel, new drawings, problems with militaries. I see September and October 2019 – contracts also with Israel, a war in Ukraine that will be close to them (the Company Yuzhnoye). October 2019 there is relocation to a part of documents in a new office – Kiev and preparation of a new office as a headquarters. Later they will return in their previous office, but it will be later.
November 2019 – “Yuzhnoye” State Design Office is getting a protection, money, new work , new contracts – USA. I see a part of the company to start working in a new Arab country – a Space program, but it is connected with rockets, the Space and satellites.(MEDIA CONFIRMATION 2)
December 2019 – Mr. Alexander Degtyarev will travel often abroad , Saudi Arabia, UAE , Dubai. He is getting a lot of money for the company and as payment for Ukraine. December 2019 and January 2020 – they (the Company Yuzhnoye) are included in the Election battle of USA – formally for Trump, but the Company Yuzhnoye is supporting the Democrats. January 2020 – it is connected with Egypt and a discovery of the contents of a new rocket fuel from a millennium, that will be researched (tested) with the desire to make a copy of it. The rocket fuel is located in a small model of an airplane from artifacts.
December 2019 – for Alexander Degtyarev are beginning pains down the belly – caused by a Hernia that influences and pressures the prostate – there is a forthcoming surgery that will stop him to travel and he will work on one place – around him I see Jews – Senior State Officials and a quarrel between two political parties. Israel will be before an internal war that will silence until February 2020 and it will temporary calm down – the one leader of the party will be replaced, there will be a change also of the patron – the benefactor of that company. That will not affect the profits of the company.
From March 2020 – there will be new contracts who will concentrate on the research of Egyptian energy deposit.(MEDIA CONFIRMATION 3)
The Office of the company there will grow into a big plant with many shareholders all over the world.
In Egypt there will be a rise of the Space industry.(MEDIA CONFIRMATION 4)
March and April 2020 – there is an attempt for removal from power and murders (through food). I see a strong affecting of the liver – I see the whole liver is yellow. Despite because of the type of poison will be blamed Russians – the real causer is a very close person to Alexander Degtyarev – from his surroundings (entourage). I see a woman to take care of him……
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Ambassador’s visit to the Ukrainian-Egyptian Project
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On November 29, 2019 Ambassador of Ukraine to the Arab Republic of Egypt Mr. Yevhen Mykytenko and the Embassy staff visited concession territory of NJSC «Naftogaz of Ukraine» Alam El Shawish in the Western Desert of Egypt. Oil and gas production is carried out in the area, which is located 400 km far from Cairo.
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