HOTTEST NEWS PREDICTIONS MARCH 2023 - Clairvoyant House "Dimitrinka Staikova and Daughters Stoyanka and Ivelina Staikova"

US Attorney General Merrick Garland during his visit in Ukraine (March 3,2023) - Psychic reading March 4,2023 - by Clairvoyant Dimitrinka Staikova
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I see a disagreement with a part of contract that he must sign. Difficulties when he is breathing in and out, problems in the both lungs . Pain in the pancreas, lack of strength. He already has problems in the kidneys. There are documents, contracts that Merrick Garland must sign during his visit in Ukraine. The Contracts are about an energy business and disagreement with the percentage of profits and participation. There is a plant which the Ukrainians are showing to Merrick Garland and I see a future investment. There will be problems during a trade deal connected with wheat and its realisation. I see phone and video connections of the US Attorney General with someone in Africa. There is union (unification) that is made against Iran. It is connected with equipment and the production of wires. That includes companies dealing with Space business. There is signing of two contracts. A prisoner is released and given to Ukraine - he will be killed. There will be two assaults against Merrick Garland. The first assault will be in the plane on his way back from Ukraine and And the second assault will be after his arrival in USA.
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US Attorney General Merrick Garland during his visit in Ukraine (March 3,2023) - Psychic reading March 4,2023 - by Clairvoyant Stoyanka Staikova http://
Merick Garland‘a health diagnosis :
There is severe headache at the top of the head, I see pain in the throat and thyroid gland and pain in the muscles of the neck - his neck is stiffened. His throat is painful - he is breathing very difficult. There is a disease in his heart. His back is very painful .
Also there is pain in the belly button and the bowels. I see sick prostate, pain in the knees - problems with the movement. I see problems with the satellite communications in Ukraine.
Problems with the supplies of weapons coming from USA - there are too many transfers of the cargo on different sites. But, at the end the US Cargo is reaching Ukraine. In Ukraine, Merrick Garland has a meeting with many people with satellite connection - with the participation of US businessmen. Ukraine is starting an attack against Russia with US Support , but the attack will be successfully repelled by Russia. I see US militaries that are guarding the cargo with goods going from Ukraine to West (western country). USA is guarding all the cargo coming in and out of Ukraine. In the next day - March 4,2023 - I see Merrick Garland on a meeting with Volodymyr Zelensky - he is taken to his private bunker. There Merrick Garland is also meeting the three leaders of Ukraine. I see the signing of contracts about the building of rocket silos and underground storages for weapons in Ukraine.
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