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The Stealth Technology and Clarence “Kelly” Johnson (Aeronautical genius, Leader of Lockheed Skunk W



Clairvoyant/Psychic predictions about :

The Stealth Technology and Clarence “Kelly” Johnson (Aeronautical genius, Leader of Lockheed Skunk Works) – How Kelly Johnson is seeing The Stealth Technology ? Experiments. Where is his place at “Area 51″? New design of aircrafts, faster movement – one step before the teleportation, silent and invisible – a crusader in the Space – Clairvoyant reading/Psychic predictions September 20, 2017, 3pm. – by Clairvoyant House ” Dimitrinka Staikova and daughters Stoyanka and Ivelina Staikova” – from Europe, Bulgaria, Varna.

Photo – October 6, 1983. Time – after the photo.


Prof. E. Godfrey Burr (Discoverer of Diffused lighting camouflage – Ship camouflage) – What represents “diffused lighting camouflage…Experiments and discoveries on the base of Stealth technologies and Yehudi Lights. 

What is the angle for disappearance of aircrafts and ships…?

– Clairvoyant reading/Psychic predictions September 18

, 2017, 3pm. – by Clairvoyant House ” Dimitrinka Staikova and daughters Stoyanka and Ivelina Staikova” – from Europe, Bulgaria, Varna.

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#Radarabsorbentmaterial #submarines #LockheedMartin #StealthBomber #LockheedsSkunkWorks #personnel #Lockheed #counterillumination #researchproject #UnitedStatesArmyAirForce #EGodfreyBurr #EdmundGodfreyBurr #CanadasNationalResearchCouncil #NorthropGrummanB2Spirit #otherdetectionmethods #toradar #passiveelectroniccountermeasures #TopSecret #shipsdiffusedlightingsystem #KellyJohnson #HMCSCobalt #Clydeapproaches #USSHamul #forwardfacinglights #HMSTrillium #HMCSChambly #GeneralElectricCompany #OfficeofNavalResearch #uncamouflagedplane #TheYehudicounterilluminationsystem #Diffusedlightingcamouflage #prototypedconcept #spectralsignature #invisible #Groundprototyping #fireflysquid #ships #HMSLargs #diffusedlightingsystem #LOtechnology #B2stealthbomber #HMCSKamloops #stealth #SecondWorldWar #antisubmarine #Yehudi #camouflage #Infraredsearchandtrack #RoyalCanadianNavy #RyanQ2CFirebeedrone #fullscaletrials #electromagneticwaves #ASDICsonar #CentralIntelligenceAgency #Germansubmarines #McDonnellDouglas #aircraft #HMSPenelope #Yehudiproject #B24Liberators #Aircrafttrials #activecamouflage #bioluminescence #Stealthtechnology #surfacetoairmissiles #missiles #theprincipleofcounterillumination #Militarytactics #CanadianWartimeResearch #Yehudilights #Motioncamouflage #backgroundvisualclutter #WorldWarII #counterilluminationcamouflage #RoyalNavy #infrared #radardetection #Shipcamouflage #radarcrosssection #HMCSRimouski #Navyglidebomb #ashiptomatchitsbackground #longrangeaircraft #USAirForce #enemyforces #radar #Canadiantrials #sonar #secretseatrialsofdiffusedlightingcamouflage #aerodynamics #backgroundlighting #keytechnology #GermansubmarineU536 #McGillUniversity #modernstealthtechnologies #corvettes #photocell #Canadianprofessor #Admiralty #oceanboardingvessel #Philadelphiaexperiment #BattleoftheAtlantic #prototype #Militaryresearch #GrummanAvenger #lightcruiser #camouflageshipsfromsubmarines #microwaveemissions #tocamouflageanaircraft #F117Astealthfighter #QuietAttackaircraft #Militarycamouflage #satellites #attackaircraft #codedecryption #WinstonChurchill #stealthaircraftprototypeHaveBlue #USNavy #Multispectralcamouflage #prototyping #laboratory #militaryaircraft #tohideshipsfromsubmarines #lowobservabletechnology #SkunkWorks #camouflageaircraft #techniques #submarinehydrophones #Avengertorpedobombers #detectionandinterceptiontechnologies

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