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Professor Huan Carlos Izpisua Belmonte (Salk Institute USA) – Creator of the First Human-monkey Chim



By Clairvoyant House “Dimitrinka Staikova and daughters Stoyanka and Ivelina Staikova” – from Europe,  Bulgaria,  Varna.


Professor Huan Carlos Izpisua Belmonte (Salk Institute USA) – Creator of the First Human-monkey Chimera – “When, Where, How, Application,  Future…” – Clairvoyant reading/Psychic predictions August 4, 2019 – by Clairvoyant House “Dimitrinka Staikova and daughters Stoyanka and Ivelina Staikova ” – from Europe,  Bulgaria, Varna. 

Photo : February 26, 2019. Time – after the photo.

Contact Clairvoyant Dimitrinka Staikova on email  :

The Health of Huan Carlos Izpisua Belmonte  :

There are previous diseases: raising of high blood pressure caused by the  right kidney, permanent inflammation of the urinary tract caused by bacteria and kidney stones,  inflammation of the ears – by the left ear, (slightly) reduced vision,  inflammation of the spine – the tailbone and neck. After an accident : I see scars under the shoulder of his left arm (and above the elbow) and above the thigh (of the left leg). It is written in his fate – I see a scar caused by surgery  – in the future there will be a surgery operation also of the prostrate,  except the penis (at right).

The three factors which are helping him  – energy,  money and cells. His way of work – he is layering two cells,  connected. The first one is at left – plus (+) in….

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+ A GIFT FROM US  – our Ebook  :

+ A GIFT FROM US  – our Ebook  :

New Ebook :  Albert Einstein – The Unified Field Theory ( UFT) , Nikola Tesla – a Generator about the TIME MACHINE, The Einstein – Rosen Bridge (Wormhole) . Travel in the time and space, Parallel Worlds . Genetic Companies, Genome Sequencing, Designer babies : 10xGenomics and Serge Saxonov, Jennifer Doudna (CRISPR Pioneer) , Emmanuelle Charpentier (CRISPR- Cas9 Founder ), Francis deSouza (CEO of Illumina Corporation) – a research on the dark substance. Robert R. Redfield (MD, Director of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention – CDC) – Clairvoyant reading/Psychic predictions.

By Clairvoyants : Dimitrinka Staikova, Stoyanka Staikova, Ivelina Staikova

Published : September 30, 2018


 In addition  :


Prof Huan Carlos Izpisua Belmonte  (Salk Institute USA) – Creator of the First Human-monkey Hybrid  – Clairvoyant/Psychic  reading  August 4, 2019  – by Clairvoyant Stoyanka Staikova

Photo  – February.26, 2019. Time – after the photo.

I see him like pregnant  – there’s a bump ( swelling) in the stomach  and it is like attached to his spine. There is a laboratory underground and a lot of money that  support  him connected with  militaries. In the moment I see two people processing (treating) something with two different types of waves. They are  total three people – scientists  – in front of them I see a big crowd of people.

March 2019 – I see him closed between walls in a room full with electricity  (energy). The room is located on a high place – on the top of a building.

April 2019 – I see him ill,  with crying eyes and runny nose. He is thinking about an egg cell which is separated  on two parts – its  upper part is treated (processed) with waves and electricity  and it’s like a part of it  is removed.

May 2019 – There is a travel at East. I see transportation of processed samples at East. The  egg cell which is fertilized  and it is developing.  In the core of the egg cell are also added other genes, it is processed with  energy and then it is going underground.

June 2019 – I see something round and there is a cell inside, a cell with very dense bars.

July 2019 – I  see a military with high rank, going underground,  cells (separated,  close areas) with living creatures inside.  A man looking its schedule  – he is in a hurry.

August 2019 – seven egg cells are  prepared  – I see that the first one is more special. There are many people staying there and observing them.

September 2019 – I see two living creatures  growing in a  womb.

October  – I see a ball of thick and strong energy  , which is leaving the ball as a thin thread.


See more of Our Clairvoyant/Psychic  predictions for Sale  :

#chimera #Verifi #lifesciences #PhiladelphiaNavalShipyard #honoriscausa #sheepembryos #NRosen #ThelocationofAtlantis #CEO #singlecellexperiments #Sequencing #Flight19andAmeliaEarhart #sequencingtechnologies #IzpisuaBelmonte #USA #MalaysiaairlinesflightMH370 #JohnStuelpnagel #RobertRRedfield #Schwarzschildwormholes #genes #improvedgenerator #PremaithaUK #Boeing777 #MH370crash #singlecellexpressionprofilingplatform #mystery #VladimirPutin #CheopsPyramid #FTLcommunication #humananimalchimeras #mh370 #medicalmysteries #CRISPRgeneediting #launchangle #parallelworlds #Antiprotons #FreescaleSemiconductor #Healthdiagnosis #polyphasecurrent #EinsteinRosenbridges #Questions #humanstemcells #humanorgans #CRISPRbaby #monkeyembryo #BillGates #TeslaMotors #Teslapolyphasesystem #humanmousechimera #humanbraingene #TheTimeMachineofTesla #research #electromagneticradiation #Lorentzianwormholes #invisibilityexperiments #contagiousdiseases #JacobRothschild #interstellartravel #NikolaTesla 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