Part of the New Ebook : The Norse Gods and their heirs – Billionaires – Alive and Dead. The past and present – year 2021, the Earth and where the Norse Gods are coming from? Clairvoyant/Psychic reading to : Asgard – their home, Odin – king of the Aesir Gods : Thor, Balder, Loki, Hel, Tyr, Heimdallr, Vidar, Elli, Vali, Bragi, Idun, Forseti, Hermod and the Billionaires : Henrik and Julia Thiele – heirs of Heinz Hermann Thiele , Ole Andreas Halvorsen, Abraham (Rami ) Ungar, Pope Francis
By Clairvoyant : Dimitrinka Staikova, Stoyanka Staikova, Ivelina Staikova PUBLISHED : March 11, 2021 2021 © Copyright Dimitrinka Staikova , Stoyanka Staikova, Ivelina Staikova
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Ole Andreas Halvorsen ( CEO and co- founder of Viking Global Investors – hedge fund management firm ) – Clairvoyant reading/Psychic predictions March 1 , 2021 about : Health , soft spots , behavior. How he will enter in Google ( Alphabet Inc. ) and the Internet companies – details about problems of a shareholder : business with the EU , ……Russia , Saudi Arabia….. Year 2021 – distribution of the World – what will happen in the business , in the climate and where ? When he is taking a medicine to change his appearance ? What are his problems with the wealthy jewish society ? Where her establishes the life and business , Where he will be wealthy sole owner of a mine for precious and rare metals. From year 2021 to year 2025 – Clairvoyant reading with timeline and details – by Clairvoyant House ” Dimitrinka Staikova and daughters Stoyanka and Ivelina Staikova ” – from Europe , Bulgaria , Varna
Photo : year 2013. Time – after the photo
Ole Andreas Halvorsen’s health : This is a person with two oposite energy circles. The strength , diseases and pains are in the abdominal cavity , the belly. When he grows old this is leading to swelling at the genitals and a future ( meaningless ) surgery. He suffers from inflammation of the sinus channels , ill stomach , strong energy accompanied with raising of high blood pressure in the head. The process of active thinking comes with changing of the movement of the energy flow in the abdomina abdominal cavity – then comes a strong tightening( the closest feeling is fear ). The energy is increasing and tightens all body organs and then comes passing through the heart ( with tightening ) and the energy is going to the left part of the head. His both brain hemispheres are working simultaneously and thinking about money. The only problem is at his spine and in the connection with it – diseases.
The muscles close to the kidneys will be painful and the pain is stopping at the shoulders. In the past I see painful right shoulder. It is written in his fate Ole Andreas Halvorsen to have a scar on the face and under the left shoulder.
….He is afraid to remain alone. He becomes sad. He is taking everything as a game. He is interested by the beginning and during his enterprises ( undertakings ). Their end is always making him sad and he doesn’t watch it – except he doesn’t have an enemy against him. Then he is interested by everything. He likes the details. For now – Ole Andreas Halvorsen is staying away from the European union and a joint business. Year 2020 – her started buying of building plots. He began to join in the business with technologies – the human being + immortality. The blood , medicines , creation of an alien life form , the space travels. The connection with the European union’s business is made n the Autumn of year 2020. I see the beginning of negotiations about weapons ( arms ) , european shares in internet companies , participation in wars , extraction of energy. At the end of year 2020 – I see small amount of travels , but important. Talks with Saudi Arabia , with Russia and Germany. He doesn’t like joint projects , but now he is searching for its place , which happens to be in the Space , but not on the Earth. As the time goes by – Ole Andreas Halvorsen will manage his empire from the air. How he enters into ownership of the Internet space ( the cyberspace ) – through one of the owners – I see a lightning and explosion. Then comes a sabotage of his private business and creation of a false idea that the shares of the victim are bought. Mr. Halvorsen is starting to buy at first small pieces of shares. Then begins constructions with Germans close to technological buildings of Google. Mr. Halvorsen is creating the feeling of something great – it is connected with the Space travels and experiments with people in the Space – including embryos and a new type of people. At first the company of Google ( Alphabet Inc ) is included in the business of Mr.Halvorsen then he absorbs them and afterwards they ofer him in exchange a position in the board of the management of Alphabet Inc. In the starting of his company Viking Global Investors they were four people , two people will stay behind him , they will rather protect and keep him and they will be on the ground , and he will be in the air. In the future , the name of his hedge fund management firm will create a mine for precious metals in the Space ,and Ole Andreas Halvorsen will became one of the wealthiest people in the Earth.
Year 2021 – it starts as distribution of the World – this is year of the weapons , problems with the seas , oceans , the water and big waves. The sea cargo transport will bring zero profit. The rocks will move and they will destroy ships and boats. The drought begins since July and August 2021 and a burning Sun – with diseases , radiation , cosmic radiation. August and September 2021 are coming storms by other planets and brings a lot of death. This is the time for the profits and profitable contracts of Ole Andreas Halvorsen. September 2021 – he is taking a medicine and changing his appearance. I also see the medicine to change the bones of his face – they are elongated. He will show only once his new appearance and then he will hide. Mr. Halvorsen will pass through the metamorphosis very painfully. He will feel as a wolf ( immortal ), but for a short time. The end of year 2021 he will be pursued by jews and the wealthy Jewish society ( they will claim it is because of a fraud )………. At the end of year 2021 begins the exchange of money for golden plates and precious metals. Begins the melting of gold and metals and creation of a new type of technologies for Space flights. The Earth will be like a walnut in hands which are breaking it……. Mr. Halvorsen will feel very bad on the Earrh and with permanent headaches – he often changes its blood. At the end of year 2021 and year 2022 – he is passing through a very tough period of his life – until February 2022. Year 2022 – begins a new era with new rich people and a very small amount of survivors in the business. The Southern part of the Earth will be important. The people there will be poor , hungry , ill. The territory there will be full with creatures that look like people , but they are like zombies. There is an upcoming invasion , war ( religious ) about the conquering of the Western World. How will be stopped this war ? At first , the war will be felt by the Russians. I see an exploded nuclear submarine at the Southern hemisphere. For a short time is coming a very strong radiation cloud and wind. Then comes the intervention of the Indians as help and the beginning in India of a very deadly disease that will kill fast…….Year 2023 – it will be an year when the Earth will clean quickly a big part of the human population , the animals , the insects , plants and trees. Year 2024 – Ole Andreas Halvorsen must take a very tough decision related his health and life. I see him in a distant military zone on the edge of a rock and water. There are upcoming experiments with his body in the Space. Year 2025 us a new beginning – it’s like behind Mr. Halvorsen doesn’t remain anything alive to feel sorry about….
In Addition : Clairvoyant reading to Ole Andreas Halvorsen ( CEO and Co – founder of Viking Global Investors – hedge fund management firm ) – March 1 , 2021 – by Clairvoyant Stoyanka Staikova
I see problems with eyes and the ears because of the permanent looking at monitors and headphones in the ears , pain at the upper part of the head. Ill thyroid gland , sick lungs , problems with the breathing and the heart , sick ( enlarged ) liver and inflamed kidneys. He is spending most of his time mainly sitting on a chair. Mr. Halvorsen is working with a large sum of money which he is trying to divide evenly to different directions , goals and investments. I see an explosion connected with one of his companies and a loss ( theft ) of a big sum of money which he survived as stress in in the past. His business is connected with the entire world – I see Space technologies , energy supplies – one center which is supplying more than ten companies with , investments , energy and deliveries. There is an upcoming big lawsuit ( trial ) for him. I see problems with the investments in the Space business – I see explosions and loosing of money. I see coverage of devices all over the Earth ( internet connection ). There are upcoming problems for him with whales , electricity. I see something like a metal ore hidden in a rock ( high rock ) which is emitting signals and problems with underground power , mafia – investments and their losses.
Part of the Ebook :

New Ebook : The Norse Gods and their heirs – Billionaires – Alive and Dead. The past and present – year 2021, the Earth and where the Norse Gods are coming from? Clairvoyant/Psychic reading to : Asgard – their home, Odin – king of the Aesir Gods : Thor, Balder, Loki, Hel, Tyr, Heimdallr, Vidar, Elli, Vali, Bragi, Idun, Forseti, Hermod and the Billionaires : Henrik and Julia Thiele – heirs of Heinz Hermann Thiele , Ole Andreas Halvorsen, Abraham (Rami ) Ungar, Pope Francis
By Clairvoyant : Dimitrinka Staikova, Stoyanka Staikova, Ivelina Staikova PUBLISHED : March 11, 2021 2021 © Copyright Dimitrinka Staikova , Stoyanka Staikova, Ivelina Staikova
☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆ ORDER YOUR EBOOK TODAY, PAY WITH WESTERN UNION ONLINE – 300 GBP (350 Euro) and You will receive the Ebook (more than 30 Pages) in the next 24 hours with Email delivery To Order Your Ebook with Western Union Online – 1. Login in 2. Select “Cash at Agent Location ” 3. Send the exact price of the Ebook – 300 GBP (350 Euro)to : ● Receiver Name : First Name – Stoyanka , Second Name – Staykova ●Country – Bulgaria ●City – Varna 4. You will receive by Western Union a confirmation email with the Tracking Number (MTCN); After You make the payment via Western Union, send us an email to with the information : 1. The Name of the Ebook You have ordered SENDER NAME (First and Last name) and MTCN (Money Transfer Control Number – WESTERN Union’s payment tracking system). After We receive Your payment details (SENDER NAME and MTCN) and the name of the Ordered Ebook – We will send You an email with the Ebook ☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆
How does Coronavirus affect to Freyr and Freyja ( Norse gods twins? This Ebook is about the Norse Gods – Dead and Alive, their connection with the governments today and year 2021, the present and the future of the Planet Earth , Wars and Peace -NOW, Expectation of the Mother ship, where do they come from? What is Asgard – where it is ? This is like a Netflix script . When and how can be seen Asgard (the home of the Norse Gods). Chimera or reality are the Norse Gods? Are they among us : Odin, Thor, The God of the Death, the Norse god of war. How many are the guardians of Asgard. Where are the alien artifacts and spacecrafts, alien technologies, diseases – detailed information. Read also about the business of the Norse Gods, their fears,enemies and heirs – Billionaires: Henrik and Julia Thiele – heirs of Heinz Hermann Thiele , Ole Andreas Halvorsen, Abraham (Rami ) Ungar