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New Ebook : President Donald Trump – Transition Team, Plots, Riots, War footing, New US Election – C


New Ebook : 

President Donald Trump – Transition Team, Plots, Riots, War footing, New US Election – Clairvoyant/Psychic predictions : Stephen Bannon, Gen. Michael Flynn, Jeff Sessions, Mike Pompeo, George Soros, Sen. Elizabeth Warren, Nancy Pelosy, Tom Steyer….

Clairvoyants : Dimitrinka Staikova, Ivelina Staikova, Stoyanka Staikova

Publication Date : November 23, 2016

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Table of Contents :

1.  Donald Trump in the White House – His health diagnosis until the end of Year 2016 – Clairvoyant/Psychic reading November 11, 2016, 10 am. – By Clairvoyant House “Dimitrinka Staikova and daughters Stoyanka and Ivelina Staikova” – from Europe, Bulgaria, Varna.

2. Stephen K. Bannon (Donald Trump’s Campaign Chairman and part of the Transition team) – November 12, 2016, 9 am. – What will happen until January 20, 2017 and after that ? Protests, rebellions, invasion of russians, A change of the Vice President, seizing the power from the Prosection, Prison, lawsuit, entering of Russia in the power, Dictatorship, cheated protesters…- Clairvoyant/Psychic predictions

3. Pam Bondi (Florida Attorney General and part of Donald Trump’s transition team) – Health, Fear from a plot, Guardian of the interests of three authorities, Transition of power – Clairvoyant/Psychic predictions November 12, 2016, 3 pm.

4. Steven Mnuchin (Chairman of Trump’s Campaign, Wall Street executive) – Health, Financier – Clairvoyant, Union and creation of a new bank, Egypt, Preparation for war, Bad weather conditions, Shadow minister and government, Contract with EU, Germany. The wars in Syria, Iraq, Turkey. The conquering of Africa – Clairvoyant/Psychic predictions -November 13, 2016, 10 am.

5. Reince Priebus 2016-2017 (The White House Chief of Staff of President Donald Trump) – He is Jack of all trades for President Trump, Health, Soft spots, Guardian of the secrets for the Cheops Pyramid, Contacts with Russia, Secret rebellions, Plots against Trump -Year 2017 – The heart of Trump will stop for a moment…. – Clairvoyant/Psychic predictions -November 14, 2016

6. Jared Kushner (Donald Trump’s son in law and part of Donald Trump’s transition team) – Clairvoyant/Psychic reading – November 14, 2016, 10 am.

7. Rudy Giuliani ( Former Mayor of New York and Part of Donald Trump’s transition team) – A Trojan horse, All or Nothing about the Business and Trump. Will he make a deal with the russians ? – Clairvoyant/Psychic predictions – November 16, 2016, 9 am.

8. Peter Thiel (co-founder of PayPal, part of Donald Trump’s Transition team) – “While the clever people are thinking (the dissatisfied in USA), the crazy people are acting (the businessmen behind Trump) – and winning” – Clairvoyant/Psychic predictions November 17, 2016, 3pm

9. Newt Gingrich (American politician, businessman, part of Donald Trump’s Transition team) – Deals, Gold, Military, Health. What will happen after the riots ? – Clairvoyant/Psychic predictions November 17,2016, 9am.

10. Gen. Michael Flynn (National Security Adviser of President Donald Trump) – Weak spots, A war in the Intelligence, Intervention of the Prosecution, “Witch hunt”, Separation of three States of USA as independent unit – The beginning…. – Clairvoyant/Psychic predictions -November 18, 2016, 10 am.

11. Jeff Sessions (Trump’s pick for Attorney General) – The eviction of the German and Russian business – representative person – very bad health – Clairvoyant/Psychic predictions November 19, 2016, 10 am.

12.  Mike Pompeo (Trump’s pick for CIA Director) – Dislocation, New departments, Tough anger, a help by Israel about the management, Foreign policy and problems, Explosion in his face….- Clairvoyant/Psychic predictions November 19, 2016, 5 pm.


What is the plan for the Downfall of Donald Trump 2016-2017. Plans and realisation….. 

USA 2017 – When there will be a war footing, riots and proposals for independence (separation) of some States, New US Elections….

13. Plan for the Future of USA 2017 through the eyes of George Soros – Riots, A Coup, War footing, April 2017 – plan ” B ” becomes active and will be spoken about new Elections in USA – Clairvoyant/Psychic predictions 

14. Sen. Elizabeth Warren (Member of Democratic Party) – Clairvoyant reading/Psychic predictions  – November 21, 2016, 10 am.

15. Nancy Pelosy ( The Minority leader of the United States House of Representative)– Clairvoyant readings/Psychic predictions – November 21, 2016, 11 am.

16. Congressman Keith Ellison – Clairvoyant readings/Psychic predictions – November 21, 2016

17. Tom Steyer (Hedge fund manager, philanthropist, leading Democratic activist, involved with the Democracy Alliance) – He works for the Victory – Clairvoyant readings/Psychic predictions – November 21, 2016

and Clairvoyant/Psychic predictions about :

Hashim Nzinga (Chairman of the New Black Pather Party USA -Black power movement) – The future of the movement 2016, 2017, 2018 – about each month. Elections 2016 and 2017. Behind which political leader they will stay ? Who will become President of USA on the US Election 2016 ?- Clairvoyant/Psychic predictions, Shaun King (Black Lives Matter Leader),Minister Louis Farrakhan (Leader of  Nation of Islam – African-American islamic religious movement founded 1930), David Duke (Former leader (grand wizard) of Ku Klux Klan, American white nationalist, politician),Kellyanne Conway (Republican campaign manager of Donald Trump, Stategist and pollster), Donald Trump Jr. (The first child of Donald Trump) , George Soros (Business Magnate), Jacob Rothschild, 4th Baron Rothschild – World Conspiracies year 2016 and year 2017. US Election 2016 and what will happen after that ?

+ Hottest News Predictions October – November 2016

#ThePentagon #dictatorship #Presidentelect #Trumpschildren #health #Finance #StateDepartment #invasionofrussians #business #Prison #lawsuit #BlackLivesMatter #PlotsagainstTrump #TransPacificPartnershiptradedeal #AttorneyGeneralJeffSessions #privategrantmakingfoundation #NorthAmericanFreeTradeAgreement #muslims #TrumpAdministration #Healthdiagnosis #superPACNextGenClimateAction #massdeportations #ChairmanofTrumpsCampaign #PortlandsResistance #Washington #Erdogan #financier #ideology #TheMinorityleaderoftheUnitedStatesHouseofRepresentative #JacobRothschild #billionaires #MaraLagoresort #Syria #Davutoglu #TomSteyer #WallStreetexecutive #IvankaTrump #liberalbillionaireGeorgeSoros #nationalsecurityadviser #psychic #Trumployalists #war #immigrants #DonaldTrumpJr #clairvoyant #worldpredictionsthatcametrue #Americanenergy #MH370 #DepartmentofJustice #PresidentBarackObama #independence #ManuelValls #KeithEllison #DonaldTrumpstransitionteam #KellyanneConway #EPA #UsElections2016 #DonaldTrumpintheWhiteHouse #shaleenergy #freedomofspeech #DemocraticNationalCommittee #OpenSocietyFoundations #NicosAnastasiades #SenatorJeffSessions #DonaldTrump #VicePresidentelectMikePence #Bilderberggroup #campaignmanagers #protests #migrantcrisis #CIA #congressionalDemocrats #NationalSecurityCouncil #cheatedprotesters #Politicians #greenactivist #NotMyPresident #Trumpcampaign #climatechangedenial #JusticeDepartment #PamBondi #Peace #terrorism #Trumptransition #Democraticparty #BRUSSELSATTACKS #StephenKBannon #DefenseIntelligenceAgency #SorosFundedGroup #NewtGingrich #PeterThiel #BenCarson #industrylobbying #Uncategorized #Ankara #ClimateChange #experience #theSecretService #4thBaronRothschild #USElection2016 #GeneralMikeFlynn #NSCadviser #FloridaAttorneyGeneral #KuKluxKlan #formerhedgefundmanager #cofounderofPayPal #JaredKushner #royalfamily #RepublicanNationalCommittee #TrumpUniversity #attacksonBlackLivesMatter #Trumpsvictory #money #HillaryClinton #intelligenceanalyst #StephenHawking #StephenBannon #relationswithRussia #foreignpolicy #NikkiHaley #BillionaireTomSteyer #highlevelstrategist #BillionaireEnvironmentalistTomSteyer #BankofEngland #banks #CIADirectorMikePompeo #TheWhiteHouse #rebellions #StevenMnuchin #WorldConspiracies #politician #ElizabethWarren #Confirmation #Trump #Americanwhitenationalist #SenateIntelligenceCommittee #NextGenClimate #WhiteHouseadvisers #Philanthropy #Turkey #Trumpseconomicpolicies #RudyGiuliani #Trumpsbusinessempire #ReincePriebus #AntiTrumpProtests #seizingthepowerfromtheProsection #DonaldTrumpsglobalconflictsofinterest #afghanistan #TrumpFoundation #theKansascongressmanMikePompeo #enteringofRussiainthepower #theintelligenceagencies #AchangeoftheVicePresident #Cyprus #ItalyEarthquake #NancyPelosy #CapitolHill #theTrumpcabinet #TransPacificPartnership #thegovernorofSouthCarolina #IslamicTerrorism

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