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Media Confirmations about Iran’s problems with dissidents, Iran’s Judiciary Prevents Top Labor Activ


Media Confirmations about Iran’s problems with dissidents, Iran’s Judiciary Prevents Top Labor Activists From Attending International Conference, new financial policy in Iran predicted by Clairvoyant Dimitrinka Staikova in her Ebook and Paperback book :

Middle East Predictions 2017 – Wars, Money, Power and  Future of : Yemen, Libya, Iran, Lebanon, Palestine, Iraqi Kurdistan, Iraq, Egypt ,Saudi Arabia, Europe, America, China, Qatar, Albania and more… Clairvoyant predictions

Clairvoyants : Dimitrinka Staikova, Ivelina Staikova, Stoyanka Staikova

Published – March 21, 2017

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Valiollah Seif (Governor of Central Bank of Iran) – Does the iranian soldiers will remain in Syria? The battle for the oil fields in Syria is forthcoming. Distribution of money- preparation for a new order. Creation of new unions (federation) with a new currency. A war against Israel, Turkey, ISIS. Contracts with Indonesia. Allies – Lebanon and the former soviet republics. A threat against USA. New financial policy – since when? Year 2017 – the luck helps to Iran – Clairvoyant predictions March 6, 2017, 10 am.  – by Clairvoyant House ” Dimitrinka Staikova and daughters Stoyanka and Ivelina Staikova” – from Europe, Bulgaria, Varna.

Photo – February 28, 2017. Time – after the photo. 

Valiollah Seif’s health – Strong flu – on February 28, 2017 he had a sick throat  inflammed  sinus drainage ducts at left and at right, pains in the shoulders and knees, heavy pain in the right kidney and prostate. The heart is before infarction – there is a strong constriction, the both lungs are sick – the left one is lightly increased and up, the right one is smallee. The right kidney is painful, but the both kidneys are sick. These days February 28 – March 6 – he has high blood pressure and weaker blood irrigation in the right leg – the fingers, at left – from the left pelvis to the knee (where there is a pain). In the future, there will be a surgical operation in the prostate and right lung.

The problems of the war of Iran have created problems also to the Central Bank of Iran, but the war and the military actions of Iran in Syria still continue : Iranian soldiers are fighting on East from Iran, and they advance more on East. The defeated areas are closed and with the time – the places they have closed (won) become more. Then the places will be united. On the middle between the areas I see a corridor for movement of the iranian armies.

The region which is interesting for them is in the northeastern part – it borders with Turkey – a region bordered with Iraq. The corridor has direction South – Northeast. Also appears a second corridor between two energy fields – the first one is North direction, the second – direction Northeast. In the first energy field, there will be many battles for supremacy and conquest. The turkish armies will be pushed in the mountains and Iran will finally conquer that oil field. On the middle between the two energy fields will be outlined a region which will be defeated, but abandoned by the iranians about a construction of a zone with special statute. About the victory over the second oil field, there will be only participation by the side of the iranian troops, it will remain for Syria. The military actions are starting bad for Iran, but they end with the victory they have expected.

February – March 2017 – a trade contract with Indonesia brings problems for being executed on parts /stages – until the middle of March 2017 the Central Bank of Iran will have problems with the financing of the project. Since the middle of March 2017 to her are running down rivers of money – first – two bank transactions, which are very big and save the situation, then a third transaction and then the money transactions become regular and the work is normal. March 2017 – there will be problems with financial control and administrative fines and penalties for Iranian business abroad – threats by Iran for withdrawal – court (lawsuit) and reduction of fines (USA). There is a forthcoming

research for a war in Lebanon – for now only as mutual aid – as a real presence and officialy since the Summer (before it’s over).

April 2017 – the Central Bank of Iran makes a step ahead – it considers a new common currency  with the allied countries and a new union (federal). The first country is Lebanon, then two former soviet countries. There will be a third one, but she has refused. After the middle of April 2017 – Iran will have problems with the weather. I see stormy winds breaking of connections (sattelites, communications). I see explosions very close to the border of Iran and battles with ISIS soldiers, which are trying to enter Iran, near a village with rockets and weapons .

Until the beginning of May 2017 – I see battles, then they are surrounded and that battle ends. Begins another battle – internal, political. It is increased the amount of the Intelligence (internally) and the internal laws become tougher….

May 2017 – the population of Iran has problems – dissidents. After the middle of May 2017 – a lot of money are distributed for business – to internal people – This is preparation for one new order in Iran.

June 2017 – I see Iran to participate in a conference at a global level, but it will distances, observes and rethinks. In the end of June begins a new financial policy that will proceed total two years – internal politics for creation of middle business and it’s bancruptcy.

July 2017 – leaders of Iran will be in danger – I see a shooting on them. The gap between Iran and Saudi Arabia is increased. Iran wins, because of the moment, situation (territorial) and now the luck is on side of Iran….

The creation of federation that will have borders with Israel…. – year 2017 is already the beginning. The Summer (in the beginning of year 2017) – there will be a direct collision between the armies of Iran and Israel. The turkish armies ….

Media Confirmation :

1. Iran’s Judiciary Prevents Top Labor Activists From Attending International Conference – JUNE 16, 2017

2. Following IS Attacks, Iran Cracks Down on Armed Dissident Groups

June 17, 2017

3. What’s on Rouhani’s second-term economic agenda?

New Ebook and Paperback book :

Middle East Predictions 2017 – Wars, Money, Power and  Future of : Yemen, Libya, Iran, Lebanon, Palestine, Iraqi Kurdistan, Iraq, Egypt ,Saudi Arabia, Europe, America, China, Qatar, Albania and more… Clairvoyant predictions

Clairvoyants : Dimitrinka Staikova, Ivelina Staikova, Stoyanka Staikova

Published – March 21, 2017

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#contracts #AstanQudsRazavi #health #alienspaceship #Shiiteregime #russian #Chairman #KhalidbinAlialHumaidan #HassanRouhani #GovernorofCentralBankofIsrael #nationalsecurityoffense #PresidentoftheWorldBank #Iraq #palestinian #Wars #alSarraj #amemberoftheTBDUsboardofdirectors #AbdrabbuhMansurHady #invasion #ClairvoyantHouseDimitrinkaStaikovaanddaughtersStoyankaandIvelinaStaikova #aformermemberofIranspowerfuljudiciary #mystery #theDeadSeaScrolls #AbdelFattahelSisi #Enemies #PresidentofYemen #LeaderofLibya #siege #StoyankaStaikova #InternationalConference #Lebanon #Greece #massacre #ValiollahSeif #SheikhAbdullaBinSaudAlThani #SupremeLeaderAyatollahAliKhamenei #RecepTayyipErdogan #SecretaryGeneralofOPEC #BankofFrance #FrancoisVilleroydeGalhau #militaryactions #israel #cityofChabaharinSistan #President #PrimeMinisterofIsrael #Syria #ISISsquads #TopLaborActivists #theCenterforHumanRightsinIranCHRI #AnsaralForqangroup #alQaida #KhalifaHaftar #treasures #CentralBankofLebanon #newcurrency #IslamicStatemilitantattack #financialpolicy #MahmoudAlavi #terrorattacks #themakingofelectricity #war #energyfield #IRGCstatement #clairvoyant #luck #Farsnewsagency #battle #TehranRevolutionaryCourt #themausoleumoftheIslamicRepublicsfounder #Varna #Christianity #Qatar #Tehran #IRGCCommanderMohammedAliJafari #thedestiny #AlMukhabaratAlAamah #hottestnewspredictions #MohammedBarkindo #formersovietrepublics #PresidentoftheVaticanBank #IslamicRepublicsShiitemajority #China #LibyanMarshal #Balochgroup #GentSejko #PrimeMinisterofLibya #clairvoyantpredictions #Energycorridors #financing #information #Russians #PresidentoftheEuropeanCentralBank #goldentreasure #JeanBaptistedeFranssu #PeoplesBankofChinaDeputyGovernor #PresidentofIraq #americans #SecondWorldWar #DimitrinkaStaikova #SaudiArabia #MohammedbinSalman #lands #FayezalSarraj #DonaldTrump #Europe #Germans #Futurebattles #PresidentofIran #IransJudiciary #PresidentofEgypt #Egypt #iraniansoldiers #KhirbetQumran #BankofAlbania #theIranianintelligenceminister #QatarCentralBankGovernor #iran #CouttsBank #ArmedDissidentGroups #Libya #BenjaminNetanyahu #LordWilliamWaldegrave #SaudiForeignMinisterAdelAlJubeir #Brokencontracts #ISIS #thesiegeofLeningrad #Peace #weaponssupply #Albania #americansagainstrussians #thewarinYemen #militaryactionswithSyria #Secrets #theoilfieldsinSyria #Clairvoyants #ValeryGerasimov #SaudiArabiasGeneralIntelligenceDirectorate #energyfields #EbrahimRaisi #Yemen #softspots #Iranianforces #laborunions #seacargoProblems #TheCopperScroll #theBankoftheBritishRoyalFamily #fundamentalist #ImamReza #anIslamiccharity #MarioDraghi #presidentofTurkey #MiddleEastPredictions2017 #undergroundcorridors #coup #Newwar #Battles #YiGang #race #IraqiKurdistan #AzamAlShawa #Coalitions #IvelinaStaikova #money #MasoudBarzani #BanqueduLiban #deputycrownprinceanddefenseministerofSaudiArabia #LaboractivisminIran #AttemptforCoup #GovernorofPalestineMonetaryAuthority #KarnitFlug #CentralBankofIran #Power #Influenceintheworld #banks #BasharalAssad #Balouchestanprovince #russianparticipation #uniting #PresidentofSyria #Bulgaria #Hezbollah #Indonesia #FuadMasum #Distributionofmoney #America #IranianPresidentHassanRouhani #IranianRevolutionaryGuardCorps #seizureoflands #QasreQandregion #ISAttacks #InternationalLaborOrganizationinGeneva #Future #JimYongKim #federation #Turkey #HassanSaeedi #Allies #Iransnuclearprogram #western #PresidentofUSA #AyatollahRuhollahKhomeini #threatagainstUSA #newpower #palestine #preparationforaneworder #theSupremePoliticalCouncilofYemen #Arabworld #ISISsoldiers #SalehAlialSammad #cargowithgold #palestinianpeople #CasusBelli #Governor #internationallaborconferenceinSwitzerland #RiadSalameh #RussianGeneral #Creationofnewunions

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