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#Media Confirmation of  : #PeteButtigieg drops out of #Democratic race for #WhiteHouse and endorses



Media Confirmation of  : Pete Buttigieg drops out of Democratic race for White House and endorses Joe Biden – as Predicted by Clairvoyant Dimitrinka Staikova in her book published March 31, 2019 :

​WHO WILL WIN U.S. PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION 2020 ? Republicans vs Democrats – ​Clairvoyant/Psychic predictions for : Trump’s 2020 Presidential campaign, Bernie Sanders, Beto O’Rourke , Kirsten Gillibrand , Elizabeth Warren ,Kamala Harris , Cory Booker, Julian Castro….

Part 1

by Clairvoyants : Dimitrinka Staikova, Stoyanka Staikova, Ivelina Staikova

​ Published March 31, 2019



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Only a small part of Clairvoyant/Psychic predictions about :

Pete Buttigieg (Mayor of South Bend, Indiana and 2020 Presidential Candidate) – Clairvoyant / Psychic predictions March 29, 2019 – by Clairvoyant House “Dimitrinka Staikova and daughters Stoyanka and Ivelina Staikova” – from Europe, Bulgaria, Varna.

Photo – March 23, 2019  time – after the photo

…..He has will (willpower) , he is clever, stubborn, but the decision will not depends by him. He has organizational talent, but on this stage he is under influence or he is silent in order to keep its position. Pete Buttigieg doesn’t own brutality, political impudence and other bad qualities with which to clean its way for a President. He will not have the lack of money. He will have the people’s love. The decision whether to continue will depend by his party – not by him. He will win the support of big part of the voters…..(MEDIA CONFIRMATION)



Pete Buttigieg drops out of Democratic race for White House – March 2, 2020


Pete Buttigieg endorses Joe Biden – March 3, 2020

#BilldeBlasio #RepublicanParty #USSenatorfromNewJersey #TheDesMoinesRegister #MichaelBennet #ABCNews #collegetuition #seniorpoliticaladviser #USSenatorfromNewYork #TheNewYorkTimes #SteveBullock #MarcLotter #JohnHickenlooper #California #nationalpresssecretary #USSenatorfromMassachusetts #MarianneWilliamson #KeepAmericaGreat #donor #QuinnipiacUniversity #Washington #Candidates #Reuters #CoryBooker #campaigncommitteemanager #donations #Democratic #WinthropUniversity #AndrewYang #electoralstates #campaigning #communicationsdirector #administrativeoperationsdirector #advertisingcampaign #founderofVentureforAmerica #JoeBiden #USSenatorfromAlaska #PeteButtigieg #USSenate #theLasVegasReviewJournal #Minnesota #immigration #BernieSanders #caucuses #LibertariancandidateforPresident #trump2020 #JustinClark #USRepresentativefromTX16 #KirstenGillibrand2020presidentialcampaign #SenateDemocrats #BetoORourke #BillStepien #theUniversityofNewHampshire #campaigncommittees #ChrisCarr #DemocraticNationalCommittee #AmyKlobuchar #presidentialprimaries #presidentoftheUnitedStates #DonaldTrump #MikePence #KirstenGillibrand #cnn #FederalElectionCommission #presidentialcampaign #JayInslee #Democraticnominee #2020presidentialcampaign #USAToday #KayleighMcEnany #GovernorofWashington #MichaelGlassner #Campaign #Democraticparty #primaries #KamalaHarris #Spiritualteacher #MayorofSouthBend #Massachusetts #BernieSanders2020presidentialcampaign #Fundraising #USeconomy #TheWallStreetJournal #VicepresidentoftheUnitedStates #USSenator #2020presidentialelection #campaignmanager #USSenatorfromCalifornia #NationalPublicRadio #Indiana #fundraiser #TomPerez #politicaldirector #TheWashingtonPost #financedirectorMeganPowers #TrumpTower #campaigncommitteedeputyexecutivedirector #JuliánCastro #StaceyAbrams #NBCNews #DemocraticPartyprimary #strategiccommunicationsdirector #USSenatorfromMinnesota #2020DemocraticPartypresidentialprimaries #TimMurtaugh #superdelegates #DC #fundraisingthreshold #exploratorycommittees #entrepreneur #TerryMcAuliffe #Author #HillaryClinton #2020USpresidentialelection #lecturer #DonaldTrump2020presidentialcampaign #BradParscale #MonmouthUniversity #NewJersey #campaigntreasurer #PresidentTrump #Democracyreform #KamalaHarris2020presidentialcampaign #DEMOCRATICNATIONALCONVENTION #Vermont #TheWhiteHouse #2020race #activist #ElizabethWarren #2018midtermelections #USRepresentative #reelectioncampaign #Maryland #healthcare #CBSNews #WayneMessam #Independentcandidate #2016Election #USSenatorfromVermont #MayorofMiramar #TulsiGabbard #JohnPence #2020DemocraticNationalConvention #FECfiling #presidentialnominatingballot #Colorado #florida #FoxNews #BradleyCrate #JohnDelaney #sponsors #MikeGravel #ColeBlocker #TheAssociatedPress


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