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Media Confirmation : Deutsche Bank offices searched in German money laundering investigation –


Media Confirmation : Deutsche Bank offices searched in German money laundering investigation – November 29,2018 as predicted by Clairvoyant Dimitrinka Staikova in her Free New Ebook :Wars – Trade, Steel, Banks,Energy, Nuclear and energy from Antimatter – Clairvoyant/Psychic predictions: MH370, Benjamin Netanyahu  – EastMed,Greece, Cyprus,  Iran, Deutsche bank,  HSBC bank,  ThyssenKrupp , CERN and Xi Jinping – by Clairvoyant Dimitrinka Staikova

Published – May 23,  2018

Clairvoyants : Dimitrinka Staikova, Ivelina Staikova, Stoyanka Staikova

Christian Sewing (CEO of Deutsche bank) – About the new energy of the 21th century – gravitational. Construction of a special center for launching. Problems with jews , Contracts with Moscow, Political crisis, New Elections – when? – Clairvoyant/Psychic predictions May 15, 2018 – by Clairvoyant House “Dimitrinka Staikova and daughters Stoyanka and Ivelina Staikova” – from Europe, Bulgaria, Varna . Photo : May 14, 2018. Time – after the photo. …..November 2018 Deutsche Bank is enclosed, blackmailed and the employees are a subject of harassment for betrayal – all forms of harassment are used and worse…

Christian Sewing (CEO of Deutsche bank) – About the new energy of the 21th century – gravitational. Construction of a special center for launching. Problems with jews , Contracts with Moscow, Political crisis, New Elections – when? – Clairvoyant/Psychic predictions May 15, 2018 – by Clairvoyant House “Dimitrinka Staikova and daughters Stoyanka and Ivelina Staikova” – from Europe, Bulgaria, Varna .

Photo : May 14, 2018. Time – after the photo.

Christian Sewing’s health May 14,2018 : An inflammation has begun at the spine – the first area is the waist and the tailbone, both with the right pelvic region – there is bad blood irrigation. The second inflamed area is close to the kidneys – at the right side are inflamed also the muscles. At the moment, there is inflamed sinus drainage duct under the right eye and there is a strong disease process at the left side of the thyroid gland – it is making cysts that will lead to surgical operation. I see sick liver and bile. There is imbalance of the thyroid gland, the sex glands (gonads) and increased acidity of the glands.

At the present moment, he is interested by the business that is in motion, an energy company which must be in a good financial level and a big, powerful energy source, which must be more powerful than a nuclear power plant – four times more powerful. For all that – Deutsche Bank is ready to pay twice as much amounts of money – an energy that will be used for a lightning movement from West to East. A lot of money are paid about an energy coming from the Earth, about a construction of a very high building that will be seen as a pylon (tagging/marking of a site) and it will used as a space center.

Christian Sewing is seeing the eastern hemisphere of the earth as a place for war about that new energy and a place for pushing out the positions of jews. There will be a construction of a special center for launching, later it will be called – Teleportation of objects and subjects. I see intervention of russians (Moscow) in that project, which will not be allowed. May 14 – 15 , 2018 – there are conversations with China and official authorities. I see an investment of money (as donation) and beginning of partial (fractional) business connected with telecommunications and goods , there is buying of two or three real estates. The connection with the official authorities is a woman who later becomes leading in a business enterprise and intelligence (reconnaissance). Begins the construction of underground facilities, then begins the transportation of special technologies to a completed phase of this construction. At the end of May and the beginning of June 2018 – there will be temporary breaking of the relationships with Beijing – this is scheduled by Deutsche Bank. Deutsche Bank has entered into a new phase of its business – the stagnation was to direct the money to a future space business and the preparation for war. Now, on the first place is the reconnaissance, that’s why Christian Sewing has become a CEO of the bank. He will hide his family and he will protect it also in the future.

He has no weakness, he likes to make risks after doing a perfect analysis. June 2018 – there is a forthcoming for him sea transportation of a big amount of extraordinary stones – successful. The cargo will be accompanied and monitored by submarines and from the Space. The purple liquid will look reddish (as a ruby) and it will be carried in pieces. February and March 2018 are the months good for experiments. Then follows Africa – not as underground construction, but as finishing details for a space center.

Does the German nation will become again above everything and everyone? Both with the russian and partially the Chinese nation – it will restore her greatness, but on the table of the business (as beginning). June 2018 – At first look, there is a bad deal for Deutsche Bank and formally loose of money – It is not so – money are separated to a created new bank. Until July 2018 – I see separation also in the business. Officially, Deutsche Bank will be occupied with exchange operations. I see one more CEO, who will remain in the second bank. After around two years, begins an exchange (swap) of directorial (managerial) positions.

August 2018 – the most important from that month is that a certain thing is forged by gold – an object. There are wires (veins) inside by many alloys and metals, this is figurative like a wooden object and when you throw it, it goes back – this is the triumph in the business. September 2018 – is a good for earning of money for Deutsche Bank. October 2018 – I see investments in USA – Elections 2018 and for the keeping of the business. This is a bad month – I see many payments about old obligations and conflicting issues.

November 2018 Deutsche Bank is enclosed, blackmailed and the employees are a subject of harassment for betrayal – all forms of harassment are used and worse…(Clairvoyant Confirmation)

The end of November and December 2018 begins a rapprochement of positions and contracts with Moscow. This is also a political time for Germany and a new political crisis in the leadership of the country – there is a threat for Elections and a preparation for new – Year 2019.

You can read our Free Ebook published June 2, 2018  here :


Media Confirmation :

Deutsche Bank offices searched in German money laundering investigation

Raid triggered by documents released in ‘Panama papers’ leaks – November  29, 2018

The offices of Deutsche Bank in Frankfurt were raided on Thursday by criminal investigators involved in a major investigation into alleged money laundering. The investigation is targeted at two Deutsche employees aged 50 and 46, the Frankfurt prosecution office said, without naming the suspects. It also involves other Deutsche employees who have not been identified so far, the authorities added.

#TelAviv #Tata #DeutscheBankAG #submarines #BritishVirginIslands #Irandeal #offshorebusiness #GermanyandChina #JohnCryan #MalaysiaairlinesflightMH370 #Iraq #Golanheights #Chineseinvestment #IsraelDefenceForces #aluminumimports #DeutscheBankchairman #Bonds #particleaccelerator #TrumpAdministration #steelbusiness #theFederalReserveBankofNewYork #TurkishCypriotPresident #AmericanEmbassyinIsrael #ZTE #ChairmanPaulAchleitner #LHCphysicists #EastMedPipelineProject #JeanClaudeJuncker #GermanchancellorAngelaMerkel #Washington #internationalmarkets #EastMediterraneannaturalgas #DirectorGeneralofCERN #elevators #USChinatradewar #UStechnologicaldominance #Lebanon #UnitedStates #Greece #AlexisTsipras #steelandaluminumimports #Beijing #globaltradeorder #scientificorganization #Deutscheemployees #oilprice #Chinesegoods #Syria #Malmström #tariffsonimportsofsteelandaluminum #Britain #Frankfurtprosecutionoffice #NationalSecurity #ThyssenKrupp #steelexports #presidentoftheEuropeanCommission #Europesparticlephysicslaboratory #HSBCBank #Canadiansteel #DeutscheBank #stockmarket #USsteelimports #CyprusPresidentNicosAnastasiades #steelandaluminiumtariffs #Trumpsdecision #GermanfinancialregulatorBaFin #Iranianeconomy #protectionism #UScommercesecretary #Russia #GreecesPrimeMinister #Iransmissileprogramme #Tehran #UStariffs #SouthKorea #steel #PaulAchleitner #Geneva #analysts #internationalsecurity #Higgsboson #China #BusinessampEconomy #IsraelCyprusrelations #investigation #BenjaminNetanyahuEastMed #USofficials #Mexico #Germanconglomerate #CERN #Syriancivilwar #Trumpstradewar #Mafia #USampCanada #Europesgasimportneeds #HongKongandShanghaisBankingCorporation #Europeanmarket #EnergyMinisterYuvalSteinitz #IsraelGreecerelations #NorthKoreasKimJongun #NicosAnastasiades #ArcelorMittal #USfinancialsystem #tradepartners #Americangoods #UKgovernment #Iraniannucleardeal #Frankfurt #technologicalbusinesses #DonaldTrump #MalaysianGovernment #WilburRoss #USPresidentDonaldTrumptheUnitedStates #HSBCsgroupchiefexecutive #Deutscheschiefregulatoryofficer #theGazaborder #Chineseofficials #rawmaterialprices #Europeslargestbank #Politicians #taxavoidance #ATSB #GermanysFederalCriminalPoliceOffice #iran #CaptainZaharieAhmadShah #physicists #naturalgas #BenjaminNetanyahu #ChristianSewing #foreignexchange #Europesbiggestinvestmentbank #SyrianPresidentBasharalAssad #HangSengIndex #globaltradewar #UStradedeficit #canada #CanadianPrimeMinisterJustinTrudeau #FrenchpresidentEmmanuelMacron #XiJinping #EuropeanUnionleaders #businessleaders #drugcartels #IsraelsmilitaryactionsinSyria #tariffs #LargeHadronColliderLHC #Americastradeallies #aluminium #JointAgencyCoordinationCentre #moneylaundering #Yemen #Germanlender #ballisticmissileprogram #eastMediterraneangas #containershippingfirm #USsanctions #Palestinians #theFederalReserve #Satellitecommunicationtechnology #EUtradecommissionerCeciliaMalmström #EUCommissionPresidentJeanClaudeJuncker #APMollerMaersk #EuropeanCommissionPresidentJeanClaudeJuncker #Brussels #thetradecommissioner #Aviationexperts #USintelligenceagencies #theConsortiumofInvestigativeJournalists #EuropeanSteelAssociation #banksHongKonglistedshares #Crete #corporatefinanceoperations #revenue #Europeanfirms #Democrats #HSBC #EastMedgaspipeline #MH370searches #ChinesePresidentXiJinping #USChinaprotectionisttradewar #Europeanaristocracy #offshoreleaks #GreecesPrimeMinisterAlexisTsipras #taxhavens #NorthAmericanFreeTradeAgreementNAFTA #CERNsgiantparticlecollider #kremlin #financialinstitutions #EuropeanCommissionPresident #bankinggiant #themysteryofMH370 #steelmaking #industrialgoods #Americanproducts #WorldTRADEWAR #aluminum #EuroAsiaInterconnectorproject #JohnFlint #SteelEuropedivision #quantummechanics #theeasternMediterranean #freetrade #FrenchenergygroupTotal #DeutschesChristianSewing #CEOChristianSewing #Jerusalem #Europeanmarkets #Hezbollah #TrumpEUtradewar #France #USsecretaryofcommerce #MustafaAkıncı #CERNexperiments #USChinatradeconflict #Trumpswaronsteel #worldstopsteelimporter #gasprojectinIran #TataSteel #Trump #PanamaPapers #theEuropeanOrganizationforNuclearResearch #WhiteHousestatement #IsraelamptheRegion #tradewar #FabiolaGianotti #USgovernment #Republicans #steelshipments #Sewingsinitiatives #Germanbank #investors #OceanInfinity #Israelisniperfire #bankspretaxprofit #Israelsprimeminister #aluminiumandsteelfortheUS #Damascus #celebrities #tradeconcessions #Cyprus #nuclearprogram #companyscoreoperations #RussianPresidentVladimirPutin #driftmodelling #BaFin #WorldTradeOrganization #criminalinvestigators #NorthKorea #benchmark #globaleconomy #USsanctionsonIran #UStariffs

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