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Media Confirmation about Turkey’s currency problems and increased buying of Gold (Clairvoyant readin


Media Confirmation about Turkey’s currency problems and increased buying of Gold as predicted by Clairvoyant Dimitrinka Staikova in her Ebook and Paperback book :

Manuel Valls,King Felipe of Spain,Erdogan,US Army Gen. Curtis Scaparrotti,Devlet Bahçelı,Angela Merkel,Norbert Hofer,Donald Trump,Hillary Clinton,Bernie Sanders and…Clairvoyant/Psychic Predictions

Election 2016 in Europe,Middle East and USA

By Clairvoyants : Dimitrinka Staikova, Ivelina Staikova, Stoyanka Staikova Product Details File Size: 1234 KB Print Length: 59 pages Publication Date: May 11, 2016 Buy the Ebook from Amazonçelı-Clairvoyant-Predictions-ebook/dp/B01FK08272/ Buy the Ebook from the Authors – Buy the Paperback book from Amazon :çelı-Norbert-Election/dp/1533229619/

Devlet Bahçelı – May 7, 2016, 3pm. (Leader of Grey Wolves – Turkish Nationalist Organisation and Chairman of Nationalist Movement Party of Turkey) – Health, Transportation of historical relics (holy remains) and gold by Syria, The politics of Turkey – falls and rises – Clairvoyant reading/Psychic predictions by Clairvoyant House “Dimitrinka Staikova and daughters Stoyanka and Ivelina Staikova” – from Europe, Bulgaria, Varna – May 7, 2016, 3 pm. Photo – May 6, 2016 Clairvoyant Health Diagnosis – there is a sick right lung, I see inside clogged channels, sick large intestine, disfunction of the thyroid gland, the prostate, abdominal glands – that affects also the left side of the pelvis. It is written on his destiny to have a surgical interventions in the stomach and the spine. On the back of the spine and the right side of the pelvis a few days there will be pains. He develop malignant diseases in the thyroid gland, the right lung and the male reproductive organs. A war for power – he is excited by the political situation in the moment in Turkey. The staying of one leader – Erdogan, a choice (Referendum). Follows a judgement (a decision of a court). A war on the highs of the power. The decision of Erdogan is not approved by Bahçelı. I see a help by Germany to stay between Erdogan and Bahçelı. Begins a time to a lot of nerves and unyielding (unswerving) of positions. The posibility for choice about the autocracy of the president Erdogan is very small. Follows the intervention of Russia to mr. Bahçelı connected with borders. There will be involved also Syria and Israel. There will be conversations about the Golan Heights. Russia will be involved in the transportation in Turkey of a box in precious metal (ore) , that has historical value for Turkey. That , Bahçelı will think about the crown of its work. This transportation of relics or “holy remains” will reconcile briefly Erdogan and Bahçelı. The end of June and July 2016 is heavy month, black for mr. Bahçelı. What I see through his eyes? • The war in Syria and the profit by it ; • Separated power only between two people ; • Problems with the kurds near Iraq and their wish to be separated from Turkey ; • The intervention of USA and NATO in the wars of Turkey ; • Problems with the currency in Turkey – I see the coming of new money ; • The conquer of the land in Turkey and the returning of the feudal lords of the land and users. The land is passing in a small ammount of people ; • The Intelligence (reconnaissance) is passing on a higher technological level ; • New high constructions and the use of frequency waves about control over the people ; Bahçelı has started to separate its agents and to separate a certain information. – This is the man who leads Turkey. • The collecting of gold is increased ; • New lands are bought outside Turkey – on the Balkans, South America and in other countries. According to the information about the Climate Change that mr. Bahçelı has – Turkey will be split on two parts. In the future will remain two leaders in Turkey. First, Erdogan is replaced, then begins the era (a period) of changes in the “Grey Wolves” : Three leaders are coming – the second one is leaving (dies), then the third one and only one will remain. The future leader is young – with dark hair…and he will kill the other two. And then will shine the star of Turkey as great nation.

Media Confirmation : Turkey in crisis: Lira slides after Russian ambassador shot Monday, 19 Dec 2016 | 2:40 PM ET Erdoğan also launched what Hanke called “a war with his own central bank.” He has been resisting the normal response to a sliding currency — higher interest rates — and instead asked Turkish citizens to buy lira and gold to prop up the lira.

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