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Media Confirmation about terrorist networks of Gulmurod Khalimov in Afghanistan October 2016 – as pr


Media Confirmation about terrorist networks of Gulmurod Khalimov in Afghanistan October 2016 – as predicted by Clairvoyant Dimitrinka Staikova in her Ebook :

G20 – Obama, Putin ,Erdogan -Turkish Stream, The war in Syria, Iraq, Daesh, Uzbekistan – Clairvoyant/Psychic predictions Wars in the Space and the Space Business

By Clairvoyant : Dimitrinka Staikova, Ivelina Staikova and Stoyanka Staikova

Publication Date: September 11, 2016 Buy the Ebook from the Authors Order your Ebook today, pay with PayPal and You will receive the PDF file with email delivery in the next 24 hours Buy the Paperback book from Amazon ––Turkish-Uzbekistan-Clairvoyant-predictions/dp/1537621718/

Gulmurod Khalimov (ISIS’s new minister of war) -Clairvoyant predictions and Psychic readind : future, military actions of Isis (Daesh), health, business – Afghanistan, USA, Egypt, Lebanon… – by Clairvoyant House “Dimitrinka Staikova and daughters Stoyanka and Ivelina Staikova” – from Europe, Bulgaria, Varna – September 7, 2016, 3pm. …..I see a restraining line that becomes wider and expands on West. There are two camps he is reaching : in Iraq – southern and smaller, and in Syria – bigger one. The two camps are one above the other – they are parallel and with connection between each other overland. The thing, that connects the camps are the american soldiers in the ranks of Isis. What is interesting is that the camp in Iraq is like an end zone. The fighters of Isis advance to North….. ………. • The end of September 2016 – I see heavy fights and new fight commanders. There is a transfer from Syria in Iraq of documents. There is a group that makes archive, filming and hiding of documents and records in the earth. October 2016 – travel in USA – money, weapons, meetings also in other countries with rebels. The more serious relations that he finds are in Afghanistan. There will be also terrorist actions in Iran….

Media Confirmation :

Security situation along Afghan-Tajik border alarms regional powers

  1. Monday, 17 October 2016 08:59

“…The appointment of Khalimov as the Islamic State’s minister of war can become an inspirational cause for more recruits from Tajikistan into the Islamic State’s global network, particularly IS groups in Afghanistan. Khalimov, who had received military training in the Soviet Union and then undertook counter-terrorism training in the United States, is in a particularly advantageous position to increase IS presence in northern Afghanistan should he eventually try to do so. As the IS loses ground in Syria, it is highly possible that Khalimov may be deployed to Afghanistan to establish stronger terrorist networks there (, September 9)….”

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