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Media Confirmation about Russian intervention in Vermont Electrical Company as Predicted by Clairvoy


Media Confirmation about Russian intervention in Vermont Electrical Company as Predicted by Clairvoyant Dimitrinka Staikova in her Ebook and Paperback book : Banks,Bankruptcies, Money, Finance, Politics – Year 2017 to year 2019 – Clairvoyant/Psychic predictions : J.P. Morgan Chase, Bank of England, Central Banks of Turkey, China, Russia, Qatar, Albania, The World Bank, The European Central Bank, OPEC… Clairvoyants : Dimitrinka Staikova, Ivelina Staikova, Stoyanka Staikova

Published – October 22, 2016

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Peter Shumlin (Governor of the state of Vermont, USA) – New Energy Business, future, US Election 2016, new president, new coalitions, new energy fields and constructions… Weak and strong spots of Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump. Shumlin is seeing Trump will become a President of USA – Clairvoyant/Psychic predictions September 27, 2016, 2pm. – by Clairvoyant House “Dimitrinka Staikova and daughters Stoyanka and Ivelina Staikova” – from Europe, Bulgaria, Varna – October 2, 2016, 10 am. How Governor Peter Shumlin is seeing the US Election 2016 ? – As a first candidate president – he sees Hillary Clinton – there is an overlay of energy above her choice. The second candidate president – Donald Trump – he sees there are chances for success, but they are holding on the base of war – he is seeing the ship of Donald Trump turning down, the merit for that will have judicial and prison authorities. That opens the way up for Hillary Clinton. Energy Companies of gas, oil, electricity and transportation of energy and energy corridors – total three companies are prepared for new business as an invasion on new place – at North. The entering on that place is through a closed zone – there is a russian object near (West). From the closed northern side, down to South. Where is the problem ? – Also the russians have found and liked the same place. The conflict zone is passing through the site of the americans – that looks like a road or highway. That separates the new object on two parts – northern, more appetizing and developed and northwestern – which become a closed zone too. In the northwestern part – there is a working in depth – big depth, I hear sound waves on three levels on construction… As whole – the construction sideways has a form of jug (vessel), it begins with rectangle on the top, then lightly and oval narrows and here the object has height (altitude) – it ends oval with a bottom. From West to East, I see black liquid that flows. Outwardly, that looks like oil reservoir, it is like a river. Follows an opening from the reservoir and buildings as cisterns – connected each other. The road from the low to a light height from West to Northeast. The three energy companies are united in one, with one bank. The weak spots of Donald Trump – • A head influences on him with sounds ; • A russian intervention in his business ; • Blocking of his money ; Strong spots – the people and increasing of their amount. Results – the russian business and collapse of the profits in USA. • The first one is the money in the banks ; • The second one is closed money and business; The russian business in USA is like empty business – a chair on which are trying to sit american businessmen. Trump is the one who protects the russian business interests.

In the future, Peter Shumlin sees Russia as leading and the union of russian company already with two energy companies. Which of the partners is leaving the game ? – an energy company for electricity. • Until the end of September 2016 – cold, snow, expectation for partners and union. • In the beginning of October 2016 – unrests, turmoils between the population of Vermont. Around October 10, 2016 – I see fires, shooting, attacks on a private business object – a big storage with cisterns and very big trucks. Problems with escape of criminals in Canada – transfered, stolen money, intervention of woman, released information. The people in front of them are speaking french and russian language. The end of October 2016 – increased security and police. • In the beginning of November 2016 – there is a travel to Washington – signing of documents. Security guards, helping for the Elections. The Weak spot of Hillary Clinton is her health. But also Peter Shumlin is seeing the victory of Donald Trump – despite everything they do for the victory of Hillary Clinton.

Media Confirmation : ‘Russia hacking code’ found on Vermont utility computer 31 December 2016 An electrical company in the US state of Vermont says it has found malware code allegedly used by Russian hackers on one of its company laptops. Peter Shumlin, Democrat governor of Vermont, said Vladimir Putin had been trying to hack the state’s power grid

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