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Media Confirmation about Problems of Russia with Israel because the War in Syria as predicted by Cla


Media Confirmation about Problems of Russia with Israel because the War in Syria as predicted by Clairvoyant Dimitrinka Staikova in her Ebook and Paperback book : Banks,Bankruptcies, Money, Finance, Politics – Year 2017 to year 2019 – Clairvoyant/Psychic predictions : J.P. Morgan Chase, Bank of England, Central Banks of Turkey, China, Russia, Qatar, Albania, The World Bank, The European Central Bank, OPEC… Clairvoyants : Dimitrinka Staikova, Ivelina Staikova, Stoyanka Staikova Published October 22, 2016

Elvira Nabiullina (Governor of Russia’s Central Bank) – The future of Russia’s Central Bank. When there will be a Coup against Putin and Russia ? Finances – investments. When the Russian Central Bank will sell gold ? – Clairvoyant reading/Psychic predictions – October 11, 2016, 10 am. -by Clairvoyant House “Dimitrinka Staikova and daughters Stoyanka and Ivelina Staikova” – from Europe, Bulgaria, Varna. • ……….The beginning of November 2016 – the government withdraws big ammounts of money for the constructions of energy corridors – Greece and searching and exploitation of new energy field. There is found new energy field located in turkish land – in water, it will be studied and in the future will be made attempts for exploitation. On Turkey is givven a card for hope about leadership in the region. Since November 15, 2016 – The problems with Turkey are in the agenda – the construction in Greece is going well. The end of November 2016 – Problems with Egypt. The beginning of December 2016 – Problems with Israel – because of the war in Syria. • Problems begin in Ural. Investing of money in military ships accommodated all over the world. Russia prepares for invasion, while in the home (Russia) – there is a forthcoming coup. The coup is felt December 2016, realized – ……..


Media Confirmation : #1- Strike in Syria: Is Israel Playing Russian Roulette? If reports on the recent bombings in Syria are true, it would appear that Israel considered the target urgent enough and believed Moscow wouldn’t object.

Amos Harel Dec 08, 2016 2:00 PM read more:

#2 – Egyptian pilots unlikely to join combat in Syria says Russian military expert – December 2, 2016

#creationofsmalleuropeanarmy #Airbus #MuratÇetinkaya #contracts #OPEC #DeutscheBankAG #health #CEO #Finance #JohnCryan #Weakandstrongspots #politics #HassanRouhani #chemicalattacks #business #USA #PresidentoftheWorldBank #ProblemswithGreatBritain #Aleppo #theUnderwaterpyramidsnearCuba #Golanheights #theinternationallyrecognized #exnazis #Year2017 #NewEnergyBusiness #Commanderoftheforces #JPMorganChase #PresidentandCEO #Jordan #ClairvoyantHouse #RussiasCentralBank #militarydictatorship #Underwatertechnologies #aCoupagainstPutinandRussia #radiation #theexchangerateoftheyuan #CharlesKoch #Commonenterprises #BillClinton42ndUSPresident #StoyankaStaikova #Syriascivilwar #TobrukgovernmentinLybia #Coalition #ExperimentMH370 #Syriaconflict #Lebanon #aboutthetruerulersoftheworldlivingintheocean #SheikhAbdullaBinSaudAlThani #SecretaryGeneralofOPEC #JacobRothschild #ElviraNabiullina #HillaryClintonorDonaldTrump #israel #russiantechnologies #Forthcomingassimilation #ThomasEnders #ThefutureofEurope2016 #2018 #Syria #internationalsituation #antimatter #TheWorldBank #BusinessMagnate #SaudiArabiaForeignMinisterAdelalJubeir #inflation #IsraeliAirForce #KhalifaHaftar #Stability #Predictions #HSBCBank #constructions #psychic #boughtwithgold #war #DealsinEurope #Bankruptcies #clairvoyant #TheCentralBankofTurkey #ProblemsinEgypt #lifeinabunker #Buyingofweapons #settlersontwoplanetsintheSpace #Varna #PeoplesBankofChina #Russia #Qatar #poisonedwater #ThewarforthepriceoftheoilbetweenIranandSaudiArabia #hottestnewspredictions #MohammedBarkindo #cataclysms #BusinesswithGold #refugeecampsinAlbania #China #Yuan #HSBCHoldings #intherocks #SecretaryGeneralofNato #GentSejko #November2016 #clairvoyantpredictions #financing #theleaderofQatar #PresidentoftheEuropeanCentralBank #GeorgeSorosonUSElection2016 #DeputyGovernor #JoeKaeser #BankofChina #SaudiArabia #theoutskirtsofDamascus #exchangerate #FayezalSarraj #DonaldTrump #Europe #TurkishSyrianBorder #ManagingDirector #influentialbillionairesintheUS #JensStoltenberg #PresidentofIran #Egypt #IMF #militaryairport #ChristineLagarde #LybianGeneral #Serbia #clairvoyantreading #theSecretoftheBlackland #BankofAlbania #PresidentBasharalAssad #ClairvoyantCalendar #Damascusmilitaryairport #CoalitionsagainstIsrael #Whatwillhappenyear2016 #surfacetosurfacemissiles #Libya #attemptsforcoups #CentralBankoftheRepublicofTurkey #JamieDimon #ThefutureofRussiasCentralBank #thefutureoftheWorldBank #PeterShumlin #hardbattles #Gold #DimitrinkaStaikovaanddaughters #Albania #TrumpwillbecomeaPresidentofUSA #CEOofDeutscheBankAG #earthquakes #NATORussiaCouncilMeeting #Brexit #CEOAirbusGroup #Character #Syrianstatemedia #Investments #mutations #conversationswithMoscow #aglimpseintothefuture #4thBaronRothschild #MoneybyUSA #USElection2016 #TheEuropeanCentralBank #BankofTurkey #trainingcamps #TheBattleofMosul #newtechnologies #Syrianterritory #newenergyfields #PrimeMinisterofoftheUnitedgovernmentofLibyainTripoli #thepriceoftheoil #Israelijets #MarioDraghi #DouglasFlint #InternationalMonetaryFund #YiGang #SyriancontrolledGolanHeights #Israelmissiles #Constructionofrailways #ThemergerofDeutscheBörse #PhilipHammondBritishForeignSecretary #20162017 #Siemens #GroupChairman #IvelinaStaikova #goldenmoney #money #HillaryClinton #TheIsraelimilitary #RussianCentralBank #transportcompany #TheattackinMezzeh #Shumlin #Newoffshorebank #nature #newCrusade #psychicpredictions #BankofEngland #weaponsshipments #AplotagainstPopeFrancis #banks #thefutureofGreatBritain #exchangeratedollareuro #ThefinacialsystemofBritain #Bulgaria #GeorgeSoros #instability #Hezbollah #DeutscheBörse #Vermont #ProsecutionandCourt #rebellions #Thefuture #family #WorldConspiracies #State #Finances #afireflower #Future #JimYongKim #gashub #TheElectioncampaignofHillaryClinton #Turkey #buyingofgold #Africa #JPMorganChaseCEO #Damascus #CarstenKengeter #year2019 #sellgold #assault #newcoalitions #ThewarsinIraq #CentralBanks #EuropeanUnion #aship #Germany #QatarCentralBank #MarkCarney #theturkisheconomics #2017 #Independency #Israelimissilestrike #nowandinthefuture #themoneyandtheirmovement #newpresident #Governor #collapse #moneybytheoilfields

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