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Media Confirmation about Lunar sonic booms predicted by Clairvoyant Dimitrinka Staikova in her Ebook


Media Confirmation about Lunar sonic booms predicted by Clairvoyant Dimitrinka Staikova in her Ebook : G20 – Obama, Putin ,Erdogan -Turkish Stream, The war in Syria, Iraq, Daesh, Uzbekistan – Clairvoyant/Psychic predictions Wars in the Space and the Space Business By Clairvoyant : Dimitrinka Staikova, Ivelina Staikova and Stoyanka Staikova

Product Details File Size: 1579 KB Print Length: 115 pages Publication Date: September 11, 2016 Buy the Ebook from the authors : Buy the Ebook from Amazon : Buy the Paperback book from Amazon :

Barack Obama G20 Summit (President of USA) -Heavy days – Sept.2016, Meeting in China G20 Summit – Conversations…,Alien Spaceship – People with Nazi’s cross, ISS, a storm by sound waves ; Foreign policy : Who has the money – he is the boss… – Clairvoyant/Psychic predictions by Clairvoyant House “Dimitrinka Staikova and daughters Stoyanka and Ivelina Staikova” – from Europe, Bulgaria, Varna – September 3, 2016, 4 pm. ……..Barack Obama G20 summit – too much conversations and nerves…There is a gathering of two opposing (rivals) camps in the background of negation – unwillingness for that meeting. The conversations will be about energy: nuclear energy, oil ,gas. About the meeting, I feel that Barack Obama is thinking like a meeting of dying or not alive people. This meeting is organized also by one powerful bank, that leads the union and it is against USA. What I see is conversations about : • The Space and the shooting of Space rockets, about a double big explosion on a launch site in USA (SpaceX). • I see also conversations about artificial island in South China Sea. And the creation of two more artificial islands plus a third one, which has an energy field. The third island is located against the first one, deeper into the sea. There is superimposed soil, to be made possible the working there under cover. The other two islands will be at South and North. The south one also will be for deception of the enemy. • I see problems in USA with an occupied (givven) land – a business project that is successful for now. • I see problems in the International Space Station (ISS) – Separation and contradictions. • I see gravitational waves and alien spaceship, that comes from Northwest directed to ISS. • I see the figure of a nazi’s cross (swastika) in a person who brings good, luck and wears a spacesuit, and he has a ball (energy ball) in front of his chest. He is far away from the thoughts for war. I see people – telepaths. I see : from outside – looks like a human, but inside in the head – a skeleton like pyramid, emmiting a huge energy. This is a spaceship for intelligence. • Conversations about the war on the Turkish – Syrian border and the forthcoming closed zone and the construction there. • Conversations about electricity and power plants. • Conversations about refugees and emigrants. • Talks about imperial interests and questions : “Who is the Boss?” – starting of negotiations and the imposition of the chinese race.

A storm is coming by a sound waves. A big spaceship comes – a huge energy center from Northwest to Southeast. It has a round shape – as the Moon. It is artificial and very big.

Heavy days about Barack Obama will be September 5,6 – 2016 – depression. I see healthy problems, caused by strong pain in the head……….. Media Confirmation : Lunar sonic booms UI scientist gives talk about mini shock waves on the moon at major scientific meeting 2016.12.12

#conversations #ThefutureofSyria #Lunarsonicbooms #Seismiczones #Syrianconflict #PresidentofCyprus #health #alienspaceship #caves #NovoOgaryovo #Syrian #PKKterror #militaryactionsofIsisDaesh #business #DonaldTusk #July #USA #Aleppo #Iraq #thewarinSyria #DonaldTrumpandVladimirPutin #Year2017 #invasion #Awar #SalihMuslim #G20Summit #Energywar #VladimirPutin #PsychicPredictionsaboutTurkey #Requests #elections #StoyankaStaikova #TheEarthquakeinAmatrice #JeanClaudeJuncker #Erdogan #Whohasthemoneyheistheboss #Empire #Lebanon #putin #Greece #massacre #BarackObama #August #RecepTayyipErdogan #TheBusiness #twoplanetswithoneairatmosphere #NASA #Uzbekistan #President #weapons #treatment #Syria #PHYSICSANDASTRONOMY #astormbysoundwaves #Isiscapital #PYDSyria #presidentoftheEuropeanCommission #Hangzhou #war #clairvoyant #Syria2016 #Turkishstreamwithnewroute #year2016 #ProximaCentauri #Varna #Russia #IslamicState #Uzbekistanisseparatedontwoparts #CausedAccident #hottestnewspredictions #iraqikurds #G20Summit2016 #NASAsARTEMISmission #clairvoyantpredictions #WTO #life #SecretNegotiationaboutSyria #TurkeysWesternallies #EUmembership #DimitrinkaStaikova #PresidentoftheRussianFederation #NicosAnastasiades #TurkishNuclearPowerplant #buffer #DonaldTrump #KurdishPoliticalParty #Egypt #CIACoups #ISISsnewministerofwar #FounderofVirginGroup #leader #LevadaCenter #Russianpolitician #WarinTurkey #G20SummitinHangzhou #EuropeanCouncilPresident #ShavkatMirziyoyev #majorscientificmeeting #refugees #MeetingwithRecepTayyipErdogan #EuropeanCouncil #terrorism #minishockwavesonthemoon #Heirs #Daesh #ThepresidentofUzbekistan #summit #Albania #TurkishwriterOrhanPamuk #Clairvoyants #JohnBrennan #DevletBahceli #TurkeyandUS #TurkishStream #payment #TheterritoryofTurkey #UIphysicistJasperHalekas #UniversityofIowa #DemocraticUnionParty #AmericanGeophysicalUnion #PresidentErdogan #intelligenceservices #MeetinginChinaG20Summit #GulmurodKhalimov #Countries #solarwind #ThewarinTurkey #moscow #EUTurkeysummit #space #IslamKarimov #Heavydays #presidentofTurkey #LunarMagneticFields #NowandFuture #psychicreading #miniatureshockwavesonthemoon #SpaceBusiness #Naziscross #JasperHalekas #TheGroupofTwentyG20 #IvelinaStaikova #Turkishborder #money #Syrianwar #NigmatillaYuldashev #SergeyShoygu #Italy #foreignpolicy #communicationcompanies #WarsintheSpace #Theworldsyoungentrepreneurs #September2016 #EnergyConsortium #Hisplansabouttheworld #TurkishPresidentRecepTayyipErdogan #Humanintervention #jointmilitaryaction #ThenearestknownstartotheSun #syrianoilfield #psychicpredictions #Power #banks #BasharalAssad #PresidentofSyria #Bulgaria #GeorgeSoros #ConstructionsinSyria #G20 #militaryoperationagainstthePKK #Turkeyinthefuture #WhowillreplaceIslamKarimov #UIscientist #WorldConspiracies #moonscrust #deals #USgovernment #TheactingpresidentofUzbekistan #ARTEMISmission #Nationalsecurityleaders #Future #meetingwithVladimirPutin #SirRichardBranson #VladimirVladimirovichPutin #Borders #Turkey #Turkishpresident #RefugeeCrisis #UIphysicist #ClairvoyantHouseDimitrinkaStaikovaanddaughtersStoyankaandIvelinaStaikovafromEurope #Erdogangovernment #PresidentofUSA #ISS #afghanistan #DirectorCentralIntelligenceAgency #ceasefire #Gravitationaldevice #SpaceobjectsonEast #EuropeanUnion #Cyprus #USPresidentBarackObama #oilfields #RussianPresidentVladimirPutin #territoryunderwaterClairvoyantpredictions #Obama #SenateChairmanofUzbekistan #therefugees

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