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Media Confirmation about Invasion of Russia in the Arctic predicted by Clairvoyant Dimitrinka Staiko


Media Confirmation about Invasion of Russia in the Arctic predicted by Clairvoyant Dimitrinka Staikova in her ebook and paperback book :

G20 – Obama, Putin ,Erdogan -Turkish Stream, The war in Syria, Iraq, Daesh, Uzbekistan – 

Clairvoyant/Psychic predictions

Wars in the Space and the Space Business

By Clairvoyant : Dimitrinka Staikova, Ivelina Staikova and Stoyanka Staikova

  1. Print Length: 115 pages

  2. Publication Date: September 11, 2016

Buy the Ebook from the authors –

Small part of Clairvoyant prediction :

Vladimir Putin G20 Summit – Meeting with Recep Tayyip Erdogan (President of Turkey) – His plans about the world, Turkish Stream, The Business, Health, Oil fields, Countries, Space, The territory of Turkey and….-  Clairvoyant/Psychic predictions by Clairvoyant House “Dimitrinka Staikova and daughters Stoyanka and Ivelina Staikova” – from Europe, Bulgaria, Varna – September 4, 2016, 4 pm.

Vladimir Putin Health Diagnosis : Strong pains in the head above the eyes and in the eyes. The pains in the left ear are going to the throat. I see increased thyroid gland with intermittent pains. Heart – before infarction. Bad Circulatory system and bad blood irrigation in the heart, palms, the whole right leg and the left leg – from the knee below. Broken left leg – upper part and in the knee. Pains in the spine, sick right kidney and urinary tract. The liver is on three layers – lightly enlarged, it is like the bile is poured directly in the liver. The pancreas is working double and painfully. The pain will extends to under the left hand.

This meeting for Putin is a way to a lot of money, unification with Turkey. I see meetings and conversations with Erdogan for pacification of the relations Turkey – Syria. In these relations Putin sees the intermediate zone between Turkey and Syria. In his plans – Syria not only keeps its territory, but also acquires part of the territory of Turkey.

The conversations  for Turkish Stream are not completed yet – they are on 1/3 of its way. Then follows documents, which must be prepared in Russia, then obstacles in Turkey. After three months again they will meet about talks and negotiations. On the second month, they will make an agreement again – October 2016, but military actions will lead to a pause again. Putin sees the project ” Turkish Stream” as a tiger, who is waiting for its victim – he doesn’t hurry. The problem in the moment is his healthy condition – he often changes his moods, but he is rather derisive and he sees the life optimistically.

He is in a good mood because of the technical scientific achievements, which in the future he will connect with Siberia and the Space – governance, dominance. Vladimir Putin is not in a moment for a farewell now. I see a loss of close to him person, internal war because of business and staying in the power. Putin will not give up from the power, in the life of that Putin – only a bullet can fail his future plans. Some of his future plans are :

Military technologies, the newest technologies in the cars, spaceships, conquer of new lands, new fields ,the war for energy fields in Siberia and Arctic, the war in Syria, intervention in Iraq since Autumn 2016 – as military help and  training of personnel…..

In Cyprus…….

In Greece….

In Serbia ….

In Macedonia….


In the other countries – Hungary, Czech Republic …..

The future plans with Germany are more interesting. Putin thinks that ….

USA ….


South America….


Read the whole Clairvoyant prediction only in our Ebook and Paperback book

G20 – Obama, Putin ,Erdogan -Turkish Stream, The war in Syria, Iraq, Daesh, Uzbekistan – 

Clairvoyant/Psychic predictions

Wars in the Space and the Space Business

By Clairvoyant : Dimitrinka Staikova, Ivelina Staikova and Stoyanka Staikova

Part of the Ebook and Paperback book :

Blitz Time -The Greek Crisis over oil and gas,the weapons of Nato and Russia in Europe – Clairvoyant/Psychic Predictions 

The Crisis in Greece in the Eurozone Countries

Published By Clairvoyants Dimitrinka Staikova and Ivelina Staikova

  1. Publication Date: July 6, 2015

Deputy commander of Russia’s Aerospace Defense Forces Kirill Makarov – “There is forthcoming war in the  Arctic  circle about territories and energy fields – five discovered   troves  and seven new targets.I see new type of rockets with range 180 degrees and shooted three – the one after the other – Clairvoyant/Psychic Predictions by Clairvoyant House “Dimitrinka Staikova and daughters Stoyanka and Ivelina Staikova” -from Europe,Bulgaria,Varna -June 26,2015-3pm.

Kirill Makarov – Hard created family. It is made after separation and love-extremely big love to other woman. And so,on his destiny is written:Kirill Makarov will have a companion in his life,which will love him and she is his full contrast. It is written on his destiny to have children by two women – a son,who will be far from him,and daughters,who will stay close to him.

In his job he is perfect,workaholic-he has strong faith and many ideas. Non-standart,romantic-his only foible is his family. After the loss of parent,he became very sensitive. It is forthcoming for him a change of his workplace-travel, first in cold, arctic region, after that military attache in a western capital. In his work, there will be only advancements (job promotions). Why? For merits. To Putin and about the accident above the lake.

This is the best Space intelligencer of Russia – Good analyst, he makes fast decisions and he is good leader. About Kirill Makarov are important the results,but not the money – which can not be said about his wife.

Clairvoyant Health Diagnosis of Deputy commander of Russia’s Aerospace Defense Forces Kirill Makarov:

Non cured right lung. He survived strong hit on the right side of the head near the temple and on the right leg from the pelvis below. When the weather changes,the pain will concentrate on the right leg as formication. The pain will increase on the left side of the pelvis area. Forthcoming treatment of the right kidney,liver and gall. In the future, there wilo be total three surgical interventions on the liver, gall and down low on the right side of the stomach area. The nerves will cause him pains in the heart and headache on the right side of the head.

He is often sick by clogged sinusitis channels and throat.

There is forthcoming war in the  Arctic  circle about territories and energy fields – five discovered   troves  and seven new targets.I see new type of rockets with range 180 degrees and shooted three – the one after the other.

Media Confirmation :

Putin visits Arctic archipelago to reaffirm Russian presence

By VLADIMIR ISACHENKOV Associated Press Mar 29, 2017

“….On a tour on the Franz Josef Land archipelago, a sprawling collection of islands where the Russian military has recently built a new runway and worked to open a permanent base, Putin emphasized the need to protect Russia’s economic and security interests in the Arctic.The Kremlin has named reaffirming the Russian presence in the Arctic as a top priority amid an intensifying rivalry over the region that is believed to hold up to one-quarter of the planet’s undiscovered oil and gas….”

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