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Media Confirmation about “Inside the Trump Campaign’s Frenzied Search for Clinton’s Emails” April 18


Media Confirmation about “Inside the Trump Campaign’s Frenzied Search for Clinton’s Emails” April 18, the 2019  – as predicted by Clairvoyant Dimitrinka Staikova in her New Ebook and  Paperback book Published March 31, 2019 :

WHO WILL WIN U.S. PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION 2020 ? Republicans vs Democrats – Clairvoyant/Psychic predictions for : Trump’s 2020 Presidential campaign, Bernie Sanders, Beto O’Rourke , Kirsten Gillibrand , Elizabeth Warren ,Kamala Harris , Cory Booker, Julian Castro….

Part 1

by Clairvoyants : Dimitrinka Staikova, Stoyanka Staikova, Ivelina Staikova 

Published March 31, 2019


Buy the  Ebook only from the Author  –

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Only a small part of Clairvoyant/Psychic predictions for :

Donald Trump (U.S. President and Candidate for U.S.Election 2020) Clairvoyant/Psychic predictions March 26 , 2019 – by Clairvoyant House “Dimitrinka Staikova and daughters Stoyanka and Ivelina Staikova” – from Europe, Bulgaria, Varna.

Photo: March 25 , 2019Time – after the photo

……April 2019 – there are conversations about the lawsuit and taking of a decision by lawyers. There must be a news for a lawsuit that will mute the Russian meddling case. A choice for apparent by betrayal of a democrat. The choice is falling at first on Hillary Clinton , then it is going to two more democrats – a lawsuit against them – it is connected with Libya and Syria. What Trump really wants and he can’t touch is Obama…..

Media Confirmation  :

Inside the Trump Campaign’s Frenzied Search for Clinton’s Emails – April 18, 2019

#BilldeBlasio #RepublicanParty #USSenatorfromNewJersey #TheDesMoinesRegister #MichaelBennet #ABCNews #collegetuition #Deutscheexecutive #seniorpoliticaladviser #GilesParscale #USSenatorfromNewYork #TheNewYorkTimes #SteveBullock #MarcLotter #Trumpscampaign #JohnHickenlooper #GreggLippmann #California #nationalpresssecretary #USSenatorfromMassachusetts #MarianneWilliamson #KeepAmericaGreat #donor #QuinnipiacUniversity #Washington #Candidates #Reuters #CoryBooker #campaigncommitteemanager #donations #BoeingCompany #Democratic #WinthropUniversity #AndrewYang #electionday2020 #electoralstates #campaigning #communicationsdirector #administrativeoperationsdirector #advertisingcampaign #RepublicanPartypresidentialprimaries2020 #DeutscheBank #founderofVentureforAmerica #JoeBiden #USSenatorfromAlaska #PeteButtigieg #USSenate #theLasVegasReviewJournal #Minnesota #immigration #BernieSanders #caucuses #DeutschesFrankfurtheadquarters #LibertariancandidateforPresident #trump2020 #JustinClark #USRepresentativefromTX16 #HRMcMaster #KirstenGillibrand2020presidentialcampaign #SenateDemocrats #BetoORourke #BillStepien #theUniversityofNewHampshire #campaigncommittees #Commerzbank #ChrisCarr #DemocraticNationalCommittee #AmyKlobuchar #presidentialprimaries #presidentoftheUnitedStates #DonaldTrump #MikePence #KirstenGillibrand #cnn #FederalElectionCommission #presidentialcampaign #BoeingCompanyChiefExecutive #JayInslee #Trumpspresidency #Democraticnominee #2020presidentialcampaign #USAToday #KayleighMcEnany #GovernorofWashington #LaraTrump #ChristianSewing #MichaelGlassner #Campaign #Democraticparty #primaries #KamalaHarris #Spiritualteacher #MayorofSouthBend #Massachusetts #BernieSanders2020presidentialcampaign #Fundraising #USeconomy #TheWallStreetJournal #VicepresidentoftheUnitedStates #USSenator #2020presidentialelection #campaignmanager #USSenatorfromCalifornia #NationalPublicRadio #moneylaundering #Republicanprimaries #Indiana #fundraiser #TomPerez #politicaldirector #TheWashingtonPost #financedirectorMeganPowers #TrumpTower #campaignrally #campaigncommitteedeputyexecutivedirector #JuliánCastro #VicePresidentPence #StaceyAbrams #NBCNews #DemocraticPartyprimary #strategiccommunicationsdirector #USSenatorfromMinnesota #seniorconsultant #2020DemocraticPartypresidentialprimaries #TimMurtaugh #superdelegates #DC #fundraisingthreshold #exploratorycommittees #entrepreneur #RepublicanNationalCommittee #TerryMcAuliffe #Author #HillaryClinton #SuperPACs #2020USpresidentialelection #lecturer #DonaldTrump2020presidentialcampaign #BradParscale #MonmouthUniversity #NewJersey #campaigntreasurer #PresidentTrump #Democracyreform #KamalaHarris2020presidentialcampaign #RonaMcDaniel #DEMOCRATICNATIONALCONVENTION #Vermont #TheWhiteHouse #2020race #activist #ElizabethWarren #GovernmentShutdown #2018midtermelections #Trump #USRepresentative #reelectioncampaign #Deutschetrader #Maryland #healthcare #Germancompanies #CBSNews #Republicans #WayneMessam #Independentcandidate #investors #2016Election #nationalist #USSenatorfromVermont #MayorofMiramar #TulsiGabbard #JohnPence #ConservativePoliticalActionConference #2020DemocraticNationalConvention #FECfiling #presidentialnominatingballot #Colorado #DennisMuilenburg #florida #FoxNews #BradleyCrate #JohnDelaney #presidentialcandidates #sponsors #MikeGravel #Presidentscampaign #ColeBlocker #TheAssociatedPress

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