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Media Confirmation about ” HSBC to invest up to $17-billion by 2020 in push for growth” – JUNE 11, 2


Media Confirmation about ” HSBC to invest up to $17-billion by 2020 in push for growth” –JUNE 11, 2018 as predicted by Clairvoyant Dimitrinka Staikova in her Book published May 23, 2018 :  

Wars – Trade, Steel, Banks,Energy, Nuclear and energy from Antimatter – Clairvoyant/Psychic predictions: MH370, Benjamin Netanyahu  – EastMed,Greece, Cyprus,  Iran, Deutsche bank,  HSBC bank,  ThyssenKrupp , CERN and Xi Jinping – by Clairvoyant Dimitrinka Staikova

Published – May 23,  2018 

John Flint (CEO of HSBC Holdings) – Buying of shares of other banks and HSBC becomes the most powerful European bank. Opening of new offices, new oil fields, profitable military contracts, including gas pipelines, contracts with Russia, investments in Space objects (satellites), Lawsuits connected with real estates in USA – Clairvoyant/Psychic predictions May 16, 2018 – by Clairvoyant House “Dimitrinka Staikova and daughters Stoyanka and Ivelina Staikova” – from Europe, Bulgaria, Varna.

Photo : March 7, 2018. Time – after the photo.

John Flint’s health March 7, 2018 : At the future, there are forthcoming surgical procedures of the eyes and treatment, surgical operations of thyroid gland (at right) – there are antibodies (thyroid gland) which are causing pain at the back of the head (above the neck) and there will be treatment there (as irradiation). I see imbalance of sick glands + the sex glands . There is a light inflammation of : the left lung, stress hormone. There is a light pain at the right side of the stomach (between the stomach and the waist), strong gases at the stomach (Colitis), inflammation of the kidney and the urinary tract, that will affect the prostate, inflamed muscles (at the back of the thighs). The sick energy is staying at the tailbone. I see inflammation of the spine (but without pain) – enlarged vertebraes – only close to the neck and at the neck.

John Flint is a warlike businessman. For him is the slogan – “The peace is at the tip of the spear”. He is always thinking about money and he is always “a little” pessimistic in the earning of money. In his thoughts – he is always in motion and thinking details about the future. Now, he has problems with russians and money, Intelligence (reconnaissance) and closed money of an energy company. The photo of John Flint is made March 7,2018 – He had cold and problems with sinus drainage ducts, bones and headaches. I see conversations about money and a refusal to finance, exchange operations, a travel in USA and conversations about investments and projects about energy corridors. There is opening of office at North America and relocation of office at South America. Investments of money in a northern territory (a research + I see laboratories), new researches at the Arctic about oil fields. April 2018 – I see reduced financial results, but between April and May 2018 – there are happy events – profits by the movement between the banks of money and a stock market shocks (there is a decrease of money of the americans at the expense of HSBC Bank).

May 2018 – the money (the profits) are moving sharply upwards and then drop sharply – as a game of lonely player. May 2018 is the month of Argentina (a game with inflation on the market). May 2018 – there will be political battles also in Great Britain (a discord between the parties). The end of May and the beginning of June 2018 – money ,which are leaving the bank from insurance (a big one, because of a deadly event) – this is also an advertisement for the bank. This is also the time of the problems with the thyroid gland of Flint and treatment. Then everything calms down, he needs calmness. The end of June 2018 , after nervous stress are starting the more serious problems with the eyes of John Flint – they give reactions and pain to the intense solar light. He is starting to live in an underground home during the Summer. I see a waiting about a surgical operation of the eyes – about the exact time. I also see cramps of the whole right side (bones and muscles).

July 2018 is a golden month about military profits – the Middle East and Africa. I also see attempts about inclusion at gas pipelines Northern countries and attempts for negotiations with russians (Putin). August 2018 – there is an event around the Queen – financing and profits (the event is sad). I hear a declaration of war, it is not in Great Britain , but it is connected with a colony of Great Britain. August 2018 – Great Britain is preparing for a war – I see military actions also between Cyprus and Turkey (including in Greece). Ships and planes are sent. August – September 2018 – Great Britain remains lonely, majestic and forgotten by the rest of the world – it feels isolated, but rich. I see investments in rockets (small, as battle rockets), satellites (Space). Since September 2018 – there is a new financial policy for England (preparation for isolation). I see investments of money in the politics of USA and tightening (stagnation) of the financing in USA. Many trials connected with real estates in USA. October – November 2018 again the strong revenues will be single and then comes a drop (decline, recession) – as a game of ping-pong.

November and December 2018 (despite it is since September 2018) begins the preparation for a merging of banks and buying of shares from other banks. HSBC Bank is buying shares and afterwards – it is assimilating (melting) other banks and then HSBC Bank remains the most powerful in Europe (including a Russian bank).

Year 2018 is an year of the John Flint’s health. From the end of the year and the beginning of year 2019 – he will loose a close to him person – he must not cry. He will bear heavily that death. It is written in his destiny that close to him will stay a daughter.

You can read a part of this Clairvoyant prediction published here May 28, 2018 :

And You can read the Whole Free New Ebook published in Our blog at June 2, 2018 :

Wars – Trade, Steel, Banks,Energy, Nuclear and energy from Antimatter – Clairvoyant/Psychic predictions: MH370, Benjamin Netanyahu  – EastMed,Greece, Cyprus,  Iran, Deutsche bank,  HSBC bank,  ThyssenKrupp , CERN and Xi Jinping – by Clairvoyant Dimitrinka Staikova Published – May 23,  2018  Clairvoyants : Dimitrinka Staikova, Ivelina Staikova, Stoyanka Staikova

Media Confirmation:

HSBC to invest up to $17-billion by 2020 in push for growth – JUNE 11, 2018

1.“After a period of restructuring, it is now time for HSBC to get back into growth mode,” Mr. Flint said. 2. The bank has found no silver bullet for its underperforming U.S. business, the strategy update showed, with HSBC set to focus on trying to grow its market share among internationally-focused mid-sized companies.

#TelAviv #chiefexecutiveJohnFlint #Tata #submarines #Irandeal #GermanyandChina #JohnCryan #levelsofdividends #MalaysiaairlinesflightMH370 #Iraq #Golanheights #Chineseinvestment #IsraelDefenceForces #aluminumimports #particleaccelerator #TrumpAdministration #steelbusiness #theFederalReserveBankofNewYork #TurkishCypriotPresident #AmericanEmbassyinIsrael #ZTE #ChairmanPaulAchleitner #LHCphysicists #EastMedPipelineProject #JeanClaudeJuncker #GermanchancellorAngelaMerkel #Washington #internationalmarkets #EastMediterraneannaturalgas #DirectorGeneralofCERN #elevators #USChinatradewar #UStechnologicaldominance #Lebanon #UnitedStates #Greece #AlexisTsipras #steelandaluminumimports #Beijing #globaltradeorder #scientificorganization #oilprice #Chinesegoods #Syria #Malmström #tariffsonimportsofsteelandaluminum #Britain #NationalSecurity #ThyssenKrupp #steelexports #presidentoftheEuropeanCommission #Europesparticlephysicslaboratory #HSBCBank #Canadiansteel #DeutscheBank #stockmarket #USsteelimports #CyprusPresidentNicosAnastasiades #steelandaluminiumtariffs #Trumpsdecision #Iranianeconomy #protectionism #UScommercesecretary #Russia #GreecesPrimeMinister #Iransmissileprogramme #Tehran #UStariffs #SouthKorea #steel #Geneva #analysts #internationalsecurity #Higgsboson #China #expansioninChina #BusinessampEconomy #IsraelCyprusrelations #BenjaminNetanyahuEastMed #USofficials #Mexico #Germanconglomerate #CERN #restructuring #Syriancivilwar #Trumpstradewar #Mafia #USampCanada #Europesgasimportneeds #HongKongandShanghaisBankingCorporation #Europeanmarket #EnergyMinisterYuvalSteinitz #IsraelGreecerelations #NorthKoreasKimJongun #NicosAnastasiades #ArcelorMittal #USfinancialsystem #tradepartners #Americangoods #UKgovernment #Iraniannucleardeal #technologicalbusinesses #DonaldTrump #MalaysianGovernment #WilburRoss #USPresidentDonaldTrumptheUnitedStates #HSBCsgroupchiefexecutive #theGazaborder #Chineseofficials #rawmaterialprices #Europeslargestbank #Politicians #taxavoidance #ATSB #iran #CaptainZaharieAhmadShah #physicists #naturalgas #BenjaminNetanyahu #ChristianSewing #foreignexchange #Europesbiggestinvestmentbank #USfranchise #SyrianPresidentBasharalAssad #HangSengIndex #globaltradewar #UStradedeficit #canada #CanadianPrimeMinisterJustinTrudeau #FrenchpresidentEmmanuelMacron #XiJinping #EuropeanUnionleaders #businessleaders #drugcartels #IsraelsmilitaryactionsinSyria #tariffs #LargeHadronColliderLHC #Americastradeallies #aluminium #JointAgencyCoordinationCentre #growth #Yemen #ballisticmissileprogram #eastMediterraneangas #containershippingfirm #USsanctions #Palestinians #theFederalReserve #Satellitecommunicationtechnology #EUtradecommissionerCeciliaMalmström #EUCommissionPresidentJeanClaudeJuncker #APMollerMaersk #EuropeanCommissionPresidentJeanClaudeJuncker #Brussels #thetradecommissioner #Aviationexperts #USintelligenceagencies #EuropeanSteelAssociation #Britishmortgagemarket #banksHongKonglistedshares #Crete #marketcapitalization #corporatefinanceoperations #revenue #Europeanfirms #Democrats #HSBC #EastMedgaspipeline #MH370searches #ChinesePresidentXiJinping #USChinaprotectionisttradewar #Europeanaristocracy #GreecesPrimeMinisterAlexisTsipras #NorthAmericanFreeTradeAgreementNAFTA #CERNsgiantparticlecollider #kremlin #financialinstitutions #EuropeanCommissionPresident #bankinggiant #investment #consumermarket #themysteryofMH370 #steelmaking #industrialgoods #Americanproducts #WorldTRADEWAR #aluminum #EuroAsiaInterconnectorproject #JohnFlint #SteelEuropedivision #quantummechanics #theeasternMediterranean #freetrade #FrenchenergygroupTotal #DeutschesChristianSewing #focusonChina #CEOChristianSewing #Jerusalem #Europeanmarkets #Hezbollah #TrumpEUtradewar #France #USsecretaryofcommerce #MustafaAkıncı #CERNexperiments #USChinatradeconflict #profitablesegment #Trumpswaronsteel #worldstopsteelimporter #gasprojectinIran #TataSteel #Trump #theEuropeanOrganizationforNuclearResearch #WhiteHousestatement #IsraelamptheRegion #tradewar #FabiolaGianotti #USgovernment #Republicans #steelshipments #Sewingsinitiatives #Germanbank #higherprofits #investors #OceanInfinity #Israelisniperfire #bankspretaxprofit #Israelsprimeminister #aluminiumandsteelfortheUS #Damascus #celebrities #tradeconcessions #PearlRiverDeltaregion #Cyprus #nuclearprogram #companyscoreoperations #RussianPresidentVladimirPutin #driftmodelling #WorldTradeOrganization #NorthKorea #benchmark #globaleconomy #USsanctionsonIran #UStariffs

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