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Media Confirmation about Carrie Lam’s victory on Hong Kong Chief Executive Election 2017 predicted b


Media Confirmation about Carrie Lam’s victory on Hong Kong Chief Executive Election 2017 predicted by Clairvoyant Dimitrinka Staikova in her Ebook and Paperback book :

Elections in Europe and the World year 2017 – 

Clairvoyant/Psychic predictions about French Presidential Election, German Federal Election , Presidential Elections in Iran, Hong Kong Chief Executive election, Bashar al-Assad, Donald Trump

Clairvoyants : Dimitrinka Staikova, Ivelina Staikova, Stoyanka Staikova

         Published – February 15, 2017

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Small part of Clairvoyant prediction about –

Carrie Lam (Candidate on Hong Kong Chief Executive Election 2017) – Her health, A small army, Winner, Threats about the election – Clairvoyant reading/Psychic predictions February 6, 2017, 11 am.  – by Clairvoyant House “Dimitrinka Staikova and daughters Stoyanka and Ivelina Staikova” – from Europe, Bulgaria, Varna.

Photo – February 3, 2017. Time – after the photo.

…..Carrie Lam’s health – On Febr. 3, 2017 she had a heavy pain in the throat, thyroid gland, left genitals. There is a forthcoming correction (surgical operation in the left breast). In Carrie Lam, except a disbalance on the glands, I see a serious disease condition also in the renal glands, the spine, shoulders and left pelvic area. I see a swelling of the stomach which will be treated for a long time. The flu in the moment affects also the ears as pain and the eyes as watery. She must check the acidity in her urine often, so she will can adequately help in the healing of her organism.

There are three legal stages which she must overcome. The second and the third one are overcomed by her with a war. Behind her back – I see a little army ready on everything because of her, three big energy companies, many people who arrive specially. Three banks are giving a start  toward the victory. There will be obstacles but stormy wind blows them. This campaign is led with ideology and less money. I see a guide, leader, who is also a religious leader. This is a winner – behind her a staying three banks. There is only one problem which she must overcome – the falsifying of the election results in the day of election.

February 2017 – she often stumbles, she must beware of falling. I see a lot of water as floods and repairs and constructions. I see people which are holding their hands and they support her. She will feel like in a stormy sea – sinking and swimming.

March 2017 – they will not allow her “to walk on the ground”…….

Media Confirmation :Carrie Lam Wins Vote to Become Hong Kong’s Next LeaderBy ALAN WONGMARCH 26, 2017

Elections in Europe and the World year 2017 – 

Clairvoyant/Psychic predictions about French Presidential Election, German Federal Election , Presidential Elections in Iran, Hong Kong Chief Executive election, Bashar al-Assad, Donald Trump

Clairvoyants : Dimitrinka Staikova, Ivelina Staikova, Stoyanka Staikova

         Published – February 15, 2017

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#2017ElectioninFrance #contracts #health #HassanRouhani #WooKwokhing #Prison #thewarinSyria #CemÖzdemir #EmmanuelMacron #PresidentialElectionsinIran2017 #Year2017 #fastgrowingseparatistmovement #MsLam #Enemies #elections #memberoftheBundestag #MartinSchulz #StoyankaStaikova #votes #BeijingbackedCarrieLam #Beijing #CandidateoftheGreens #MsLamsselection #Bundestag #EnMarcheCandidateforPresident #chiefexecutivecampaign #Twohealthdiagnosis #terrorismandwar #GermanFederalElection #Asmallarmy #oldjewishfamilies #MarineLePen #Chinesegovernment #HongKongChiefExecutiveelection #ElectionsinEurope #semiautonomousterritory #combinatorial #ChiefExecutiveelection2017 #war #Northeast #PsychicpredictionsaboutFrenchPresidentialElection #clairvoyant #election #HongKongChiefExecutiveElection2017 #newterritories #Varna #HongKongsnextchiefexecutive #HongKongsprodemocracyopposition #intelligence #militarytechnologies #hottestnewspredictions #FEBRUARY2017 #PresidentoftheEuropeanparliament #Syriafutureelections #formerBritishcolony #byClairvoyantHouse #strongandweakpoints #disbalanceofenergy #Taiwan #Problems #HongKongers #FrancePresidentialElection2017 #democracymovementinHongKong #Electionprogram #DimitrinkaStaikova #CarrieLam #surprise #politicaltensions #DonaldTrump #ClairvoyantCalendaroftheGermanFederalElection #basharassad #Europe #CandidateofthePartyofEuropeanSocialists #PresidentofIran #businesspeople #clairvoyantreading #Politicians #Xinjiang #ClairvoyantCalendar #kurds #testing #ReginaIpLauSukyee #FinancingbyMoscow #2017GermanFederalElection #Activity #Gold #DietmarBartsch #CandidateofChristianDemocraticUnion #2017Election #aura #GermanFederalElection2017 #ChancellorofGermany #Clairvoyants #help #Coleader #assaults #politicalreform #GermanSocialDemocrats #retreat #candidateforchancelloronGermanElections2017 #DimitrinkaStaikovaanddaughtersStoyankaandIvelinaStaikova #proBeijingorganisationsinHongKong #CYLeung #PoliticsandMysteries #HongKong #AngelaMerkel #Occupyprotests #JohnTsang #coup #psychicreading #energycompany #Chinaloyalists #PresidentialElectionsinIran #SahraWagenknecht #CandidateofAlternativefurDeutschland #IvelinaStaikova #theinternationalcommunity #MoneybyMoscow #PresidentialCandidate #FrancesFrontNationalFNfarrightpartysPresident #collectingofvotes #Partial #victory #psychicpredictions #2017FrenchPresidentialElection #Tibet #BasharalAssad #Germanpolitician #chiefexecutiveselectioncommittee #PresidentofSyria #Bulgaria #nominationprocess #Warfooting #Negotiations #Prosecution #PresidentofDieLinke #Moneyandgold #ChineseUniversityofHongKong #selectioncommittee #Winner #Beijingdominatedcommittee #civicleaders #LeaderoftheGermanLeftParty #PresidentialCampaign2017 #TheWorldYear2017 #interventionsinHongKonglife #rebels #Turkey #presiding #theLeftPartyintheBundestag #Candidate #PresidentofUSA #FrançoisFillon #HongKongleader #nextHongKongleader #winningcandidate #FraukePetry #BenoitHamon #sponsors #amerger #threats

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