Information for #BarrySherman (the founder of #Apotex) and his wife #HoneySherman – #homicide , #murders, safe -deposit boxes , #key , #inheritance, #company, #medicament, #merger, #russians, #jews – Clairvoyant reading and predictions For Sale – June 26, 2018 – by Clairvoyant House “Dimitrinka Staikova and daughters Stoyanka and Ivelina Staikova ” – from Europe, Bulgaria, Varna.
Barry and Honey Sherman – Who are the killers ? How the direct killers looked like ? Chronology. Who ordered the murders ? A witness. What they were looking for? What they moved out of the house – Who is connected with the killers – there is found a trace from photos. A hiding places in the house of Barry and Honey Sherman. What did the killers left behind themselves – what evidence against them?
Where is the key to the mystery – an inheritance ? What will happen in the future with the Canadian company – Apotex Pharma. The murder through the eyes of the pathologist. The last words of Barry Sherman. A last phone call to the son of Barry Sherman in the night of the murder made from the killers.
Through the eyes of the lawyer for the family of Barry and Honey Sherman – Brian Greenspan – a new deal is prepared with a new players – the old ones falls out….
New – CLAIRVOYANT /PSYCHIC PREDICTIONS FOR SALE – there are three Clairvoyant predictions included . You will receive the pdf file until 48 hours after Your order.
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