In answer of Clients question : In the paid Clairvoyant Health Diagnosis You will get :
● Your current health diagnosis until 24 hours – where do You feel pain, what does the pain affects.
●From where and to where are moving the ill bioenergy (biocurrents ) in the body, what are affecting and which body organs, where there is a disease and where – only pain.
●If are seen scars on the body – You will be notified.
This is for the time until 24 hours.
You will be notified about past ilnesses which are not treated, future diseases and surgeries that are forthcoming and inevitable (unavoidable) – everything that is seen in the body.
The Clairvoyant Health Diagnosis is made by three clairvoyants (each one is making a separate diagnosis).
We give recommendations only for the types of treatment, not about the medicines. We don’t treat and we don’t make magic.
Clairvoyant Dimitrinka Staikova
May 12, 2020
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