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Banks,Bankruptcies, Money, Finance, Politics – Year 2017 to year 2019 – Clairvoyant/Psychic predictions : J.P. Morgan Chase, Bank of England, Central Banks of Turkey, China, Russia, Qatar, Albania, The World Bank, The European Central Bank, OPEC…
Clairvoyants : Dimitrinka Staikova, Ivelina Staikova, Stoyanka Staikova
Date of Publication – October 22, 2016
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Elvira Nabiullina (Governor of Russia’s Central Bank) – The future of Russia’s Central Bank. When there will be a Coup against Putin and Russia ? Finances – investments. When the Russian Central Bank will sell gold ? – Clairvoyant reading/Psychic predictions – October 11, 2016, 10 am. -by Clairvoyant House “Dimitrinka Staikova and daughters Stoyanka and Ivelina Staikova” – from Europe, Bulgaria, Varna.
Photo – Sept.13,2016. Time – after the photo.
…….Elvira Nabiullina Health Diagnosis – I see irradiation – radiation by her right side – on the level of the hand and on the level of the right foot. Her organism influences firstly with pain – on the back of the right leg, stronger pain on the pelvis and the pancreas, from there – the pain separates on two parts – on the spine and right kidney and the muscles above the right lung. The pancreas is strongly affected. The next diseases : cysts in the pituitary, cysts in the thyroid gland – then surgical interventions. I see surgeries in the heart, left breast (it is written on her destiny – surgical interventions in the both breasts) and also on the left side of the genitals. At a later stage – in the future, I see another one surgery on the left leg – the knee and ankle.
As a condition – she develops diabetes. She will feel weakness and problems with small colds. But the good news are that the disease is leaving fast without impairing the right movement of the bio energy in the body. She definitely has against her self a person, who insists to kill her….
The photo of Elvira Nabiullina is from Sept. 13, 2016 – after that – a travel abroad – Europe. Conversations with germans – the primary contract is broken. The money are separated on two parts and the smaller part is givven to them. White grains – a huge pile – it is not a metal – crushed to a powder and part of the food production. Investing of money in Afghanistan. Weapons, land, fences, sattelite systems – a road in the wood – underground constructions – underground river – they are washing something – it looks yellow on a first look, but it is not. It is not gold or metal. There is a study of the local sites about pipelines (energy).
October 2016 – Internal conflicts in the Russian Central Bank, after October 15 -20 -a procedure about printing of money. Import of currency in the country. Payment from the bank of BRICS – chinese projects. From October 15 to October 20, 2016 – will be heavy days of work and health. She will take care about a young boy (her relative). In the end of the month, she will stay alone for a certain period of time – in her home. I see a strong fright (shock) – an attempt for assault and her employee wounded. In her home there was an attempt for invasion, but for now they are acting with increasing and reducing of the electricity. Close to her home, there is an appartment in which there is emitter and a man who speaks – makes suggestions. The end of October and the beginning of November 2016 – I see wounds on her legs.
November 2016 – she must not put her legs in a hot water – she has problems with clots in the blood – temporary swellings on her body and a medical examination. The beginning of November 2016 – the government withdraws big ammounts of money for the constructions of energy corridors – Greece and searching and exploitation of new energy field. There is found new energy field located in turkish land – in water, it will be studied and in the future will be made attempts for exploitation. On Turkey is givven a card for hope about leadership in the region. Since November 15, 2016 – The problems with Turkey are in the agenda – the construction in Greece is going well. The end of November 2016 – Problems with Egypt.
The beginning of December 2016 – Problems with Israel – because of the war in Syria.
Problems begin in Ural.
Investing of money in military ships accommodated all over the world. Russia prepares for invasion, while in the home (Russia) – there is a forthcoming coup. The coup is felt December 2016, realized – January 2017. A silent coup. In a certain time against certain people are beginning activities – murders. For a second time also against Vladimir Putin.
It begins January 2017 and until June 2017 is in action internal war and external war. There will be a phased change in the government. Many prominent and rich russians will run away and many will be killed. January 2017 – The Russia’s Central Bank will have ten days of standstill. After that will be included actively in the exchange trading .
Year 2017 – new positions begin, new businesses and fast movement of money and gold – until the middle of February 2017. Then are passing a few days of shock and then follows beginning of financing of constructions of energy fields and corridors in the Northern lands. There will be investments even in Canada.
March 2017 is bad for the health of Elvira Nabiullina – very bad month – I see her falling and spitting blood. There will be very difficult standing up. Between March 2017 and April 2017 – I see a deputy (temporary replace) of mrs. Nabiullina…
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