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Cheops Pyramid : What is in the newly discovered northern chambers ? The door of alien spaceship is


Happy Birthday Dear Ivy (Clairvoyant Ivelina Staikova), May all your wishes come true ! from Mama and your sister Dimitrinka Staikova and Stoyanka Staikova

Cheops Pyramid : What is in the newly discovered northern chambers ? The door of alien spaceship is a door for the pyramid… – Clairvoyant/Psychic predictions by Clairvoyant House “Dimitrinka Staikova and daughters Stoyanka and Ivelina Staikova” – from Europe, Bulgaria, Varna – October 27, 2016, 10 am. From Northeast – I see sound waves. Before the top of the pyramid, I see left in the past moving object between rectangular and elliptical shape of alien spaceship. The object has dark colour and black layer on it – it looks like airplane – its nose is like a bird’s neb (beak). Its wings are from square to rectangular and its tail is lifted big rectangular – like a DOOR. The pyramid itself is an energy center ; I see water passing through it from the both sides – northern and western, I see energy circles, which are more like light and sound. The northern circle has a hole – on the treshold of the so called by me Door – that is also a tail of alien spaceship. The Door is black and it is hidden behind a gloss over (whitewash) – bricks and another one barrier. The entry from there is allowed. In the door, there are two holes for rods – long, vertical. Now, there is only a carved place, the rods are missing. The thinner one raises underneath (when it is already put in the door) with a special tool – a thick cast (mold), that is part of a ring – only the upper end – the ring is with big diameter. The second vertical place for the rod is thicker and it is lifted with the same tool. The door is moving upwards – there are total three steps (heights) of lifting. I repeat, the entry is only from the eastern side. There are two holes (openings) for air, that will make very nervous the so called scientists. 1. The door is lifting upwards ; 2. There is a rug (carpet) ahead of the door – acting – I call it flying carpet because it is with gases. Clairvoyant Ivelina Staikova saw, that through it is passing the fire of ignition of the alien spaceship. 3. The pyramid is already acting energy center with eleven circles – for now the Earth circles are bigger than the air circles. Time – Until February – March year 2017. Then strange events will occur around the Cheops Pyramid and new owners.

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