HOTTEST NEWS PREDICTIONS- Psychic News by Clairvoyant House “Dimitrinka Staikova and daughters Stoyanka and Ivelina Staikova” -from Europe,Bulgaria,Varna.Authors of more than 30 books with clairvoyant predictions/psychic readings on the hottest news of the day published in Amazon
Barry Sherman and his wife Honey (Billionaire founder of Canadian pharmaceutical company Apotex) – A murder, Killer, Business – Clairvoyant/Psychic predictions December 16, 2017 by Clairvoyant Honey “Dimitrinka Staikova and daughters Stoyanka and Ivelina Staikova” – from Europe, Bulgaria, Varna.
The bodies were in position almost perpendicular to each other. One of the bodies was close to a door in a position West-East, but in the Southern part of the room. I see a smaller wound at left on the head, closer to the neck and wounds at the abdominal area.
At the abdominal area – I see two clots – one of the wounds has covered the heart and the lungs, at the other wound – the abdominal area. The both wounds are made at left. There is another wound on the head – close or in the right eye. At the left leg – down low – I see another wound.
When I reached the head at left – closer to the neck – I saw the sign for a jew = the killer had a loss by a joint business ( joint – as a common business of two persons). Barry Sherman has saw people with black clothes. Before the event, he didn’t felt good.
Honey (his wife) has at least two blows. She was second. The blows again were at left – at the lungs and the neck. She has fought longer. It was possible for for her to survive. She was like in a separate part from a big room at eastern direction (side) or in a adjacent room. She has made attempts to move.
They took something round, bigger than an ordinary coin. The goal was researches. The killers came from the western side. I see two cars. The one was close to the house, and the other was at West, only with visibility. There were russians outside. There will be another murder of a man – scientist, because of the researches , part of which they have stollen. The researches are connected with the human genetic code and more about the treatment of Cancer…, irradiation of a certain chemical (food)…
About the company Apotex – there is already a contract for a merger , in the future will remain one owner.
Order Your Full (Detailed ) Psychic Life Reading on email by Clairvoyant/Psychic Dimitrinka Staikova (Author of more than 30 books with World Predictions and Psychic Readings of Celebrities published in Amazon).
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