Clairvoyant/Psychic predictions about :
A Wormhole – a Clairvoyant reading and Psychic predictions about the details which I see from inside, how it is born, movement, stages of formation, collecting, elevation. Why the scientists can’t achieve results? In which angle – they are wrong? Where is the beginning of the Wormholes?
The Earth is surrounded by 8 round + 1 elliptical (rectangular) celestial body – the hole is from West about an entrance to the Earth. The round celestial bodies are energy centers, and the ninth one which I see now in the lower Southwestern end is…. – Clairvoyant reading and Psychic predictions November 9, 2017 – by Clairvoyant House “Dimitrinka Staikova and daughters Stoyanka and Ivelina Staikova” – from Europe, Bulgaria, Varna.
Harrat Khaybar is volcanic field located north of Medina, Saudi Arabia. There are found “The gates to Hell – 400 mysterious stone structures on the edge of volcanoes in Saudi Arabia.What’s in this hole? A machine about passing into parallel worlds, gravitational waves leaving from the holes. A crusade to the East… New forms of intelligent life, spaceships…How and where is possible for humans to enter in these holes? What kind of deposit is there ? – Clairvoyant reading/Psychic predictions October 24, 2017 by Clairvoyant House “Dimitrinka Staikova and daughters Stoyanka and Ivelina Staikova” – from Europe, Bulgaria, Varna.
This hole has a great depth and it is connected with other holes which also have big depth. What is the interesting : the way of connection – clockwise – from East to South, to West, to North and again. The other interesting is – despite they are on a different depth – between the holes there are corridors – they are connected. The structure and the shape resembles to a honeycomb in the most of the holes – one remains in the middle and the others surround her and…..a hole from that shape becomes the middle of the next shape – like a very big spiral from holes – connected to each other with corridors.They are located in the three directions – East, South and West – without North. The northern side is used for a link (like a minus with plus) about the energy, about the space, for a door…The Eastern side and the Western side are located on the sides of a mountain with an edge, the southern one is in front of the mountain. The holes are protected… they have keepers (guardians). The first descent (going down) is in the past at a western hole, but they were nervoud and they quickly climbed up.For now – there is no unlocked volcanic energy. I see stairs about descent for people at the …..
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